Chapter 3

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/// (time skip)(doesn't need to be only 3 /)
___ (your name if you didn't know)
That's all for now, enjoy the story.

(Time skip to night/after dinner)

Your P.O.V.

After dinner we all watched a movie of my choice so I choose (fav. Movie). I sat next to Corey and Elton. Elton played the movie and sat down.
During the movie I heard Corey "yawn" and stretch his arms...and of course in all cliche stories he put his arm around me. I blushed but it wasn't as red as a tomato, I leaned towards him and rested my head on his shoulder

(Like that minus the playground)

hile I was in his arms I felt a glare...but not towards me but towards Corey...I looked over at both Sam and Colby and they were glaring and Corey! What the hell...are they jealous? I hope not...I just kinda cuddled up more near Corey. I felt safe with him. He made me feel secure. I smiled slightly and continued to watch the movie.
I started falling asleep and started drowsing to sleep...I started to fall asleep when all of the sound there was a bang! I jolted up and noticed everyone up in a panic. I held onto Corey's arm unconsciously. We walked towards the noise, in my head I'm like don't do it! Remeber the horror movies you idiot! But I didn't listen to my brain. We walked over to Sam's room and noticed Circa (I spelt that wrong)
had one of Sam's pillows and tearing it up, and we saw one of Sam's lamps had fallen. I noticed that I was hold Corey's arm and immediately let go. Elton started laughing, then we all did. Well except for Sam but he did after a little.  "I bet this is Circa paying back for dying her pink", Elton said chuckling. Sam rolled his eyes and slightly chuckled. He pucked up his lamp, which luckily did not break and picked up pillow stuffing and whatever was left from the pillow. I grabbed a small trash bag and held it open for him to throw the stuff in. We then threw it by the trashcans outside. We then all went to bed afterwards and had a peaceful night of sleep.
Sorry for it being pretty short just wanted to update and I didn't know what else to write for this chapter. But yea!

Well, bye you awesome amazing people. Peace ✌

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