Here Comes Question Number One!

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The first question was sent in by my friend IsilwenofRivendell, thank you, mellon!

Okay, let's interview a burglar/hobbit!

*Camera pans over to Isilwen and Bilbo sitting in Bag-End and drinking tea*

Isilwen: I have a question, Bilbo...

Bilbo: Okay. *Sets down cup of tea* shoot.

Isilwen: So, what's your favorite thing about The Shire?

Bilbo: Uh...

Tatharel: *sneaks up behind Bilbo and whispers in his ear crazily* PLEASE THE FANS!

Bilbo: what? *Turns around*

Tatharel: *creepy grin, backs away*

Bilbo:...that was strange...uh, anyway...

Isilwen: *waits*

Bilbo: Well, I like your company a lot, Isilwen!

Isilwen: 😊😊😊 thanks...

Bilbo: *awkward smile* I also love the long trails that wind through all four makes it so that you can go on an adventure, and still get back in time for dinner.

Isilwen: Yes! That's an amazing aspect.

Bilbo: Would you, uh, wish to accompany me on one of these "adventures"?


Bilbo: *nods* Really.

Isilwen: Yes! I would be so honored! I- thank you, Bilbo.

Tatharel: *watches with binoculars* AWW YEAH! I SHIP IT! *keeps watching as they continue talking*

Hi fishies! (A.k.a. my name for all my readers/followers. 😉)

Again, thank you so much for reading, and if you have ANY questions, at all, just send me a message, or something...
The wackier the questions, the better, because this book's genre is listed as "humor" and I need to live up to that title.

- Tatharel

P.S. things will get WAY funnier in future parts, I'm still trying to get the hang of this.

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