Chapter Two

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So the beginning of this is the big "not episode canon" part of the story. That, and probably the ending when Kara goes back to her Earth. So, I hope I do Oliver, Cisco, Kara, and Cat (for the moment she arrives) justice here.

Spoilers for "Nevertheless, She Persisted" in here. This also concludes "Missing" . . . which means next time is where the fun really begins. ;)

Enjoy chapter two!


Kara halfheartedly finished her latest article, saving it before leaning back in her chair, once again looking out the window at the crews cleaning up the destruction caused when the Daxamites had invaded.

She had been such an idiot to believe that she could have had a dream life. The perfect job, the perfect family, her life as Supergirl . . . and the man she loved. She had a job she enjoyed, she had Alex, J'onn, and Maggie, and she had Supergirl.

But was all of that worth it if she didn't have Mon-El?

And it was all because Mon-El's mother, Rhea, had wanted to make Earth the new Daxam.

Rao, Kara had hated her. She had challenged her to trial by combat, and had foolishly expected Rhea to keep her word. Instead, in the middle of their duel, the Daxamites had beamed down to invade. Thankfully J'onn, Mon-El, James, Clark, and timely help from M'gann had kept the invasion at bay, but Kara had had to make a fateful choice. She could either watch National City suffer, or she could activate the device Lillian and Lena Luthor had fixed to release enough lead into the air to be harmless to humans, but deadly to the Daxamites. Kara had chosen to activate the device, had watched Mon-El refuse to help his mother as she died in front of him.

Then Mon-El had started to choke as well.

Kara closed her eyes, feeling tears sting her eyes. She kept reminding herself that sending Mon-El from Earth had been the correct course of action, but Rao, it had hurt to lose him. And she was responsible for that. It was because of her that he could no longer survive with lead in Earth's atmosphere.

What she would do to punch something and let her frustrations out.

Her phone suddenly rang, and Kara reached over, seeing the call was from the reception desk. "Danvers," she said, frowning and checking her schedule. She didn't have any appointments today, so what was this about?

"Miss Danvers, there's two people asking to see you," the receptionist said, sounding just as confused. "A Mr. Queen and a Mr. Ramon."

Kara's eyes widened in shock, and she quickly checked her schedule for the rest of the day. She had nothing left to do, and her article was finished. "Yes, I'll be down shortly," she said, saving her article again and sending it off to Snapper. "I'm just now packing up anyway."

"I'll tell them that, thank you."

Kara hung up and shut down her computer, gathering her belongings and hurrying to the elevator. "Kiera?" a voice from behind her asked in surprise.

Kara paused, then bit her lip and walked towards Cat's office. "Miss Grant," she smiled shakily.

"Kiera, you look like you're the new girl in school trying to establish herself with the cool crowd," Cat frowned, folding her arms. "What is up?"

"Miss Grant," Kara took a deep breath. "I got a call from . . . friends, and it sounds extremely urgent. I know it's last minute, but I'm still not entirely certain what's going on, but – "

"Kiera, Kiera, Kiera," Cat clicked her tongue. "Always wanting to save everyone." Kara blushed, and Cat waved her hand at her. "Go on. Be a hero, save your friends, but I expect you back one hundred and twenty percent when you return."

One Call Away (Book One of The Unmatched Records)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora