t w o

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The local police station was almost like a second home to me now.

And that, I realized, was incredibly sad.

Maybe it would make more sense if it was a home to me because I was a troublemaker and was thrown in the cells a lot. But no, I was never that kind of a person. Instead, it was a second home to me because I was always bailing out Cal.


Well, there were times when it was my close friend Ben who did the honors. Or sometimes even my best friend, Jinae. But Ben was out of country visiting his parents, and since Jinae was currently sitting through an exam, I found myself walking towards the police station in the daytime, wondering what possible trouble Cal could ever get in at two p.m.

The truth was, I didn't particularly care that much for Cal. Or really anyone else who liked to waste their life away partying, drinking and regularly causing disturbances, so that begged the question: why was I bailing him out when I could be at home preparing for an exam?

Probably because Jinae and Ben weren't all that ready to give up on him just yet.

I wasn't sure, though. I wasn't a sucker for his routine, starry eyed with the possibility that he might change. But then again, maybe it was just me secretly hoping. Hoping despite all the facts.

And he never changed.

Almost two years now and he hadn't changed.

I guess aside from Jinae and Ben, my reason for bailing out Cal more so was because of how Officer Jeon was with me. It was like after that first time I was here, he started to pity me. And now he knew how caught up we were in this habitual thing and would often concede to letting Cal out. Sometimes though, he held strong that Cal should wait it out and receive a punishment. To me, Officer Jeon always felt like a man who saw the world in black and white with no grey areas at all—he knew what was right and what was wrong and he definitely didn't like Cal.

I remembered the first time I was here. I was a sophomore and that was two years ago, bailing out Cal for the first time. Now, even though I was in the middle of my senior year, I realized things hadn't changed all that much.

I sighed. This needed to stop soon.

I mean, we were running out of Bail-Cal-Out money, for God's sake.

I pushed past the front door and entered the station, moving down the wide hall only to see someone leaving as I entered, walking by the wall towards the doors from where I came.

I'd seen him before.

Same moonlight hair, same ambiguous eyes, same form-fitting uniform (although this one arguably had a ton more badges on it now).

I couldn't not recognize him.

If I liked him two years ago, he was arguably better now.

And man, I was a goner.

Quite literally. It was just when he was passing by me when I felt my foot slip because of my idiocy—I was looking at him when I should've been looking at where I was going—and I lost balance in the most ungraceful way, tipping forward and going timber. Crap.

I braced for the impact; but before I could come face to face with the marble floor, a hand wrapped around my upper arm and another at my waist, steadying me in place firmly.

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