s e v e n

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c h a p t e r   s e v e n


I gulped and rose from the corner I'd backed myself into when every incredulous gaze in the room swung to me.

"Oh shit," Officer Jeon looked like he couldn't believe he'd missed me there and the rest just looked slightly baffled.

"Hi," I pasted a bright smile on my face.

There was surprised silence.

"Yo," Namjoon murmured after a moment.

"I heard nothing," I felt the need to throw out there. Officer Jeon raised an eyebrow in a do not bullshit me look and I quickly amended, "I understood nothing." That was only somewhat true.

Hoseok cast a sheepish look at me. "Apologies. I wasn't really thinking when I barged in here and launched straight into it."

The last thing I wanted was to get him mad.

"It's all cool, bro," I suddenly turned into the lamest version of myself. "Now I'm just going to skate right out if it's all good with everyone."

God, I wanted to melt into a puddle right there.

Hoseok ignored me as he turned to Officer Jeon, making me hold my breath with what he asked next. "This won't be a problem, right?"

"Nope," Officer Jeon replied firmly and I released my breath gratefully.

If me overhearing this whole showdown was a problem, then I'd hate to think how they would've felt the need to rectify it.

But then again, they were the police. It's wasn't like they'd be anything but straight-laced. Or at least, Officer Jeon and Lieutenant Park would be. I think.

Though I had no idea about the others.

Still, I liked that Officer Jeon trusted me enough. That was actually pretty nice of him.

"Alrighty then," I said in that annoyingly high voice again before turning to Officer Jeon. "Enjoy your coffee."

We both looked down to the cup on his desk where the coffee sat, neglected in the mayhem, now looking cold and absolutely unappetizing.

"Thanks," he lied, putting on a polite smile on his face. "I will."

He would not.

But instead of chucking it in a dustbin like I wanted to, the desperate urge to just get out of there before I could embarrass myself even more overpowered me and I nodded quickly, scrambling out of there from between everyone like my life depended on it.

"Wait," I heard.

Oh crap. They want to kill me after all.

No, I argued with myself. Officer Jeon would never allow it. He was far too lawful for that. Right?

"Yeah?" The annoying voice was back, damn it.

"I'll walk you," I heard and at the sheer ridiculousness of it had me looking back to see General Min strolling towards me, deceptively casual and calm.

Oh. Oh.

Of course they aren't going to kill you, you idiot.

Wait, Min Yoongi wanted to walk me out?

I felt like my head was going to explode from being overwhelmed.

Conversation had started back up again behind us and Yoongi jerked his head towards the door, gesturing for me to follow. In a daze, I did.

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