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c h a p t e r   s i x

"What's this?" Officer Jeon eyed the cup like there could very well be a bomb inside.

"It's coffee." I announced brightly as I stood next to his desk. "As a thanks for yesterday. If you hadn't sent help the way that you did, I don't know if I would ever have found Jinae there." I tried not to think about it as I went on. "Therefore, coffee."

He looked somewhat surprised at my statement but before he could say anything, a high-pitched voice cut in.

"Are you shitting me, Jeon?"

I jumped at that, turning around just in time to see a man storming in with his eyebrows twisted into a very pissed off expression. His brown hair was messy from the wind and his boots were dirty, like he couldn't have been bothered to avoid the puddles in front of the station left over from the morning rain.

But that wasn't the odd part. It was the outfit he was wearing; a red, black and white jumpsuit with little patches of checkers that went with the dark helmet clutched in his hands. If there was any doubt, a glance at the logo on his chest confirmed that it was an auto racing outfit.

What was a racer doing here?

Officer Jeon's eyes were wide in shock as he took in the man in front of him. "Hoseok?"

"No, it's my dead body's ghost," he spat heatedly in reply and I decided since he hadn't really noticed me yet, I should probably get the hell out because I definitely did not want to be here for whatever this was.

"And that wasn't a joke," he continued. "Because you and I both know it could have been, Jeon. I nearly died."

Uh, what?

That's when Officer Jeon sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Shit—I know, Hyung."

"You said it was okay," the man named Hoseok carried on. "And I thought that was it, that me and the rest of the guys on the team had nothing to worry about because you told me the police were going to handle it."

"They were," Officer Jeon raised his voice.

"Well, they clearly were not any fucking good at their job if I came that close to biting it."

I retreated back a step, willing myself to blend into the background somehow.

"We're taking care of it," Officer Jeon bit out.

"Yeah?" Hoseok raised his eyebrows. "Like you said before?"

"No," he snapped. "I'm handling it personally."

There was silence as this was processed.

I inched back some more.

Hoseok seemed somewhat placated by that statement. He nodded slowly. "Do what you need to do, but get me secured. The minute things get sticky, you let me know and I'll haul ass somewhere safe."

Officer Jeon sighed again, this time more to himself. "I knew you'd be coming over soon. The minute I heard it about the incident on the news, I knew you'd be right here, up in my face about it."

I hadn't heard about any racer in a near-death accident on the news, but then again I hadn't exactly been watching a lot of news recently either. And with the way they were talking, I understood this was a lot more than just an accident.

Hoseok narrowed his eyes. "Well, excuse me, but let me repeat: I nearly died."

"And let me repeat, Hoseok: I fucking know. The news came out nearly a week ago but I was on it immediately when it did. What do you think I was doing since then? I was on the Busan Police Department's ass the minute I heard of it. And you know what else? I called in some much needed reinforcements. Understand that when I say I'm the one handling this now, I'm going to handle it very effectively."

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