f o u r

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c h a p t e r   f o u r

I couldn't believe Cal was at it again.

What I couldn't believe more was the fact that his stupidity had finally managed to backlash on us.

After all, Officer Jeon did warn me it would only be a matter of time.

"I'm tellin' you," Cal mumbled, drunk as ever. "I saw that guy hand her a drink and she was just here right now."

It was a week later after Cal's latest bail and he was back, determined to be an ass again. But I was used to that, so that didn't bother me as much as the fact that we were right in the middle of it all now. Jinae and I came with him to a party we already weren't comfortable going to, and now that the party was fast deteriorating, she was nowhere to be found. It was a disaster.

"You mean him?" I looked in the direction of the guy he was pointing at again who was still sitting low on the couch, smoking a joint right there in the middle of the lounge. "Didn't it occur to you that he might be a red flag kind of guy?"

"I—" he blinked at me. "Huh?"

I couldn't help the worry taking over me, now feeling the rise of panic in my chest. "We came here to keep an eye on you, Cal. It's been a good ten minutes that I've been searching everywhere and I can't find Jinae. Now you tell me she took a drink from that guy? Do you realize the gravity of what's happening?"

He immediately scrunched his nose. "I don't need you girls to look after me. I'd rather Ben was here."

I'd rather Ben was here too. At least he'd keep me from wanting to pummel this idiot.

"Really?" My voice was higher now. "Is that really what you took from all that?"

"Relax," he waved a hand in the air carelessly. "She's probably off somewhere gettin' cozy with a guy."

"She hasn't answered her phone ever since we split," I tried reasoning with him but he just grinned.

"Like I said, she must be having a good time."

I couldn't take it anymore. The anxiousness, the worry, the bad feeling gnawing at me since we stepped in this house, none of it.

I turned away from him, speedily walking towards the front door with my phone already at my ear.

"Faith?" Officer Jeon's voice filtered through the loud music in the house behind me.

"It happened," I managed to say in a rushed voice. "Like you said. Cal's crap finally managed to backlash on us. We're at a party right now and I really, really want to leave because it's not the right place for us but now I can't find Jinae, and Cal said she took something from a guy who is totally resident drug dealer material, and I don't know what to do, I—" I trailed off in order to control myself and not let the tears that had hit the backs of my eyes spill over.

I hated it. The feeling of being powerless. I didn't have too many experiences with it, but with Cal around, it somehow always put us in that position. Because he was a mess and maybe that was okay, but not when my best friend was dragged into it. It wasn't okay then.

"Okay, Faith, listen to me," his voice was urgent. "I'm sending over friends. They'll shut this shit down in an instant. Where are you right now?"

"I—I'm outside the house. It's the second one on fraternity row." God, I hated how my voice shook.

"Good. Stay there. They'll be over in five minutes and then you have nothing to worry about, okay? You with me?"

A deep breath.


"Good. Now I'm hanging up and sending them over."


"Stay where you are."


The line went dead.

I tucked the phone into my pocket and folded my arms across my chest and huddled in on myself to fight the cold.

And then I waited.

The hurried sounds of footsteps had me turning around and it had been only a few minutes later

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The hurried sounds of footsteps had me turning around and it had been only a few minutes later.

I'd never guessed Officer Jungkook would send him over. Min Yoongi, I remembered. This was not how I wanted to see him. I was definitely shocked, though. I never expected him, or the other two that came with him—a man in the plain black uniform emblazoned with gold at the shoulders or the other one with a lab coat on.

I thought by friends he meant other officers from the station, not these guys. Judging from their attire, if they'd come here straight from work, I'd probably never live it down.

They slowed down the slightest bit as they climbed up the few steps to the house and spotted me. The man who I knew never really gave much away paused a few steps in front of me, his expression guarded but observing. Then his gaze went to the house behind me where the music came from with abandon and his eyes narrowed in distaste.

He disapproved. Good. He should. This party sucked.

"End it," he growled to the man in black at his side and with a nod, the man disappeared inside with just a few long strides.

I turned to the side to view whatever I could see through the half open door, partly because I was still worried and partly because Liquid Gold still unnerved me.

"What's your friend's name?" I heard from behind me and I turned to see the man in the lab coat, who was looking at me with kind eyes.

"It's Son Jinae," I told him. "I... I can't find her anywhere a—and apparently she took a drink from someone and just disappeared. Officer Jeon told me to stay outside but I still don't know what I'm supposed to do."

My gaze went to Liquid Gold for a moment, only to see a brief flash of irritation on his face as he looked over my shoulder at something behind me in the party.

"I'll get your friend," he muttered in my direction before he took off in smooth strides too, disappearing inside the house and shutting the door behind him.

Not a moment later, the music stopped.


This guy really got a job done.

"Don't worry," the kind looking man said from behind me. "If anything, you're in the right hands now. Everything's going to be alright. We'll find your friend."

I nodded numbly, hoping he was right while I thought about how long I was going to let Cal ruin our lives.

I nodded numbly, hoping he was right while I thought about how long I was going to let Cal ruin our lives

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Thanks for reading! :)


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