Chapter 2- The Guy

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Iris awoke, sitting up on the bed. She felt where the cut on her head had been. It was just a small scar now. She looked up, seeing the Enderman standing there, next to Phil.

"Thank you for your help. You may take your leave," she said to the Enderman.

The Enderman bowed his head, then disappeared with a flurry of Ender particles.

Iris slowly stood up, bracing herself with the bed and wooden wall. "Okay Phil, let's go," she said as she grabbed her black cloak, draping it over her back.

They walked through the thin forest, and soon found a small clearing. There was a village there. The main part was in the clearing, then several houses were under the trees' leaf canopy.

"We'll stay for a little bit. If we can find an empty house, we'll spend the night. Is that a deal?" she said to Phil.

"PssSt (sure thing)," he replied.

"Stay here. I don't want the villagers attacking you or getting freaked out. I'll be back, hopefully with food." She patted his head just before putting her cloak's hood on. Then she pulled most of her cloak around her, then walked towards the village. She tried to hide her eyes as best she could.

She soon found the market, and walked inside. A bell rang, announcing the customer's arrival.

The guy at the counter greeted her. "Welcome miss! How has your day been?"

"It's been alright. Nearly killed by some monsters last night," Iris said in reference to her hunters.

"That's rough. Well, if you're looking to heal up, I have various food products around here, and if your wounds are a little to deep for that, my buddy just next door has a brewery shop," the guy continued.

My wounds are too deep, even for potions...

"Just food will be fine, thank you." She began to look around at the food shelves, avoiding the two other people in the store. She whispered to herself as she did so, "let's see... Phil likes apples, and chicken..."

Another customer was welcomed by the bell.

"Welcome! Take all the time you need to look around," the owner greeted again.

The guy that had just entered looked pretty shady. Iris kept glancing over at him as he walked around the shop for a bit. He walked over to the same shelf Iris was looking at. He picked up an apple, observing it. He glanced up at Iris, who looked up, then back quickly.

He smirked, then walked towards the front desk.

"Find everything you need?" the owner asked.

"Almost," he said right before punching the owner. He then pulled out a bow, aiming it at the disillusioned owner. "Emeralds, now! Give me all you have!"

"Okay. Geez, talk about petty thief..." the owner said as he opened the chest to his left.

"Hey!" Iris yelled, catching the thief's attention. She then threw the apple she had in her hand. She had thrown it so hard, it split upon contact with his head and knocked him out cold. Before the apple hit, he turned his aim on her and fired, catching the arrow on her shoulder.

Iris clutched her shoulder. She soon realized that her face was exposed to everyone in the shop, and her Ender particles were now free floating.

She looked over at the other people in the store. The girl was backed up against the wall, and the guy looked like he was getting ready to pull out a knife. "She's an Enderling!" he said with fear in his voice.

Suddenly, a village guard entered, clad in chain mail and leather. "Hey Michael, how's..." he suddenly realized what everyone was looking at; Iris. He quickly drew his iron sword.

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