Chapter 11- Flames rekindled

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<POV- Narrator>

Later on, repairs were made to the damaged and destroyed houses with the help of Eli, Iris and her Endermen, and Ty and his soldiers.

That night, everyone gathered in the town hall/restaurant again for a large dinner party.

Eli sat down at Ty's booth. "Hey, whatcha doing over here alone?"

"Don't know really. I'm used to being alone I guess. You know, from having traveled so far through so many places. Never really had any friends until I saved the villagers and recreated Maulthaur. I'm content in either situation," he replied simply.

Looking passed Ty, Eli could see Iris and Ronin sitting at a table. They were telling stories, some jokes, and everything else to get all caught up with each other.

"Do ya miss her?" Ty said.

"Well... Yes actually. I mean, I don't completely remember her, so it makes it weird. But I remember our bond. Growing up, Keira and I always knew what the other was thinking. Hah, I remember a game of tag we used to play. We would make up the most random rules. Now that's a memory I'm happy to have back," Eli reminisced.

"Oh... Actually, I was asking if you missed Iris..." Ty said.

An awkward silence filled the booth.

<POV- Eli>

"Ah..." I finally said. "Well, yes, and no. I think the Creator intended for us to meet so I could help her survive. I'm happy for the time we had together, but, if you look at them," I nodded to Ty, so he turned just enough to where he could see Iris and Ronin. "They seem to have that same special bond. Knowing what I have with Keira, how could I break them up? No, they belong together, just like Keira and I," I finished, rather satisfied.

"Well I'm glad," Ty grins, but not very big. Heh, even a "smile" like that from him surprises me. "So how do you suppose you lost your memory?"

"Well... I'm not totally sure... Maybe when I died, the Creator had it in His plan to wipe my memory temporarily. Or may-..." I'm interrupted by...


Again, I see the scene where Notch and I were fighting. The flaming watchtower hurtling down at us. Almost a split second before it hits us, Notch causes his palms to glow a bright, white light, then squeezes my arm around his neck as hard as he can. An electric shock goes through my body, then the crushing weight of the flames flattens us. Next thing I see is me waking up again, not knowing a single thing, except: survive.

~End flash~

"Notch..." I utter, coming back to reality.

"What about him? He wiped your memory?" Ty asked.

"Yes. He knew I would be killed by the burning watchtower, so he wiped my memory, hoping to... I don't know, delay or keep me away?" I suddenly realized something. "That's why I met Iris! The Creator knew that eventually she would know who I was when we went to the End, because He also knew she would be injured and need healing from the End towers!"

Ty gave an agreeing look, then quoted from the Creator's Words, "'all things intended for Evil, I have worked out for the Good...'

Having faith in Him is undeniably intelligent. It's common sense really, but many people don't see it that way."

"Yeah... So when's your jet glider arriving?" I asked, anxious to "meet" Keira.

"Tomorrow. We were fairly low on fuel when we arrived, so we simply jumped out and the glider circled back around after locking the island's coordinates. Flying at night can be dangerous on this server," Ty concluded.

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