Chapter 13- Just another day in paradise

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<POV- Narrator>

The Sheltok surrendered as soon as they saw their leader dead. In fact, they tore off their sun-proof armor and ran screaming into the ocean.

"Cowards," Ty mocked as they ran off.

"You said it," Eli said as he leaned against the gurney Ty was lying on as his engineer repaired his reactor. "So, how are you doing?" Eli asked Ty.

"I'm alright," Ty answered.

"No emotional scarring from that rage-out you had?" Eli double checked.

"No, not really. I mean, I haven't raged out like that before, but it's something I'm used to," Ty confirmed.

"You really seemed out of control though, and unfocused," Eli said.

"Yeah... He got to me. I saw my worst failure in his eyes," Ty said.

"You mean like last time?"

"Yeah, only this time, it made me angry. Really angry. I almost couldn't control myself."

"See, you can be honest with me buddy. The 'Tough Guy Ty' only has to come out when the enemy is near, ya know?"


Later, Joash and his men returned to the ship, so Eli, Keira, Ronin and Iris went to see them off. Ty came later since he was still being repaired.

"Any idea who he was?" Keira asked Eli in reference to the oversized Sheltok that she had killed.

"No idea," Eli replied.

"Okay, just remember what you owe me for saving your butt. Speaking of butts..." Keira reached behind Eli.

"Eeyah! Not while we're in public!" Eli grabbed her arm.

"Oh come on, like you never pinched me," Keira said with a smile.


"Despite what you think of me, captain, our order is a brotherhood. We respect and bury our dead," Rick told Joash who was guiding the imprisoned thugs onto the ship.

"You can bury your friends and demon golem when we get back home. I'll even have a bouquet made up," Joash said just before hauling Rick onto the ship. The demon golem thing, of course, was Rick's thug, Bruce. The Sheltok converted him and turned him brine.

"So, you're going to stay after all, eh?" one of Joash's soldiers, and Ronin's friend, said to Ronin.

"Yeah. I've gone years growing bitter about what happened, but now," he looked lovingly at Iris whom he had his arm wrapped around. "I have life ahead of me here. A new chance to start over."

"Alrighty then. Shall I tell the king you were killed in battle?" Ronin's friend asked.

"Please, you know he won't ever buy that," Ronin said, laughing. His friend joined in as well as Iris. "Just tell him... I found my queen. I'm sure he'll understand."

His friend smiled, patted him on the shoulder, then boarded the ship.

Soon enough, the ship's sails were lowered, and it set off back to its home.

"So, Iris," Eli began as they all watched the ship on the horizon. "Giving up the life of an End Queen."

"An End Queen maybe, but I'm still a queen," she said, looking up at Ronin. "I'd give up my powers as well to live normally with the one I love. Luckily, I don't have to."

The two couples and Ty began to laugh. Phil made his way over to the group. "Ssssshh," he said to Iris.

"Oh, there you are Phil," Ronin said.

"You know, our ancestors really knew what they were doing, didn't they?" Ty said to Eli.

"What's that?" Eli asked.

"They dedicated these islands as a peaceful 'world'. Utopian paradise. No tyranny or oppression could ever touch these places because of them," Ty explained.

"I see what you mean," Eli said, once again just drinking in the amazing characteristics of the island along with the setting sun.

As they stood there, the sky suddenly flashed a bright red, then a red light beam shot out of a cloud. The group watched as the intense beam fell towards the ocean, then suddenly began curving, making an almost complete U-turn, crashing into the island only a few yards from where they were standing, making a large crater.

"Just another day in paradise, huh?" Ronin said to no one in particular.

"Oh you betcha," Ty answered.

The men all drew their weapons and advanced toward the crater. They reached the crater as the smoke cleared. Kiera aimed her bow where the smoke was coming from. It was a person in a black and red body suit. He had white hair as well.

"What the...?" Ty remarked.

The guys red eyes shot open, and he stood up faster than a lightning bolt strike. He suddenly seemed dizzy as he tried to speak, "I have one question f-f-f-for you..."

"Is he drunk?" Kiera whispered to anyone.

"PsssCHA..." Phil remarked.

"Doc-tor, WHO?!" then his eyes rolled back into his head, and he collapsed.

"Doctor what?" Ronin asked.

"Who, Ronin, who," Eli corrected him. Everyone gave Eli the same blank stare.




YEY! Yeah, I guess the ending was abrupt, but not to worry my munchkins, because the first book of my series "The Sons of Peace- When Withers Arise" is when it aaallllllll comes together!!

I am excited and can't thank you (my followaz) enough for your support!! Which is why I shall dedicate each chapter of that next book to each follower who has commented on and/or liked any of my MC books!

Thank you all and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

No wait...

Keep calm, and jingle bells on...

Seriously, not Christmas yet bro..

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