Chapter 4- Utopia

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<POV- Narrator>

"So let me get this straight..." King Melchizedek started. "You want me, to grant you two permission, to take any of my resources and men, to go hunting after a gifted girl and a farmer, who flew away over the ocean?"

"That about sums it up," Rick replied disrespectfully.

"Yes my king," Joash replied with respect.

The king stood up from his throne, beginning to pace. "You do realize you'll probably never find them now? They could be anywhere. There's thousands of islands between us and the next continent, not to mention the Island of the Accursed."

"Island of the Accursed?" Rick asked.

"Yes, it's an island that no one ever returns from. It is said that demons of the dead emerge and roam in the night time. They are known as the Sheltok to local islanders. Sometimes they say they can hear their awful wails and screams since sound travels well over the ocean," Joash explained, sending shivers down his own spine.

"I stopped believing in ghosts when I got into kindergarten, but if people fear the island too much to go there, I suggest we start looking there for the Ender creep and her accomplice. It'd be the perfect place for her to hide," Rick said. "With your permission, of course, your highness." Rick sarcastically bowed to the king.

The king shrugged, then stopped pacing. "Go ahead then. Begin the search. Joash, use any of the resources and men I have placed under your care, but, you'll bring them both back alive, and they will get a fair trial. As you should already know."

"Of course my king," he saluted by swiftly raising his right fist to his heart, gave a quick bow, then turned away, ushering the few men he had brought to join him.

Rick only walked away after curtsying in the most exaggerated way, causing his henchmen to laugh. Then they departed, and Rick began to whisper to his men. "If you encounter EnderIris, you will hesitate to kill her on pain of death. Do you understand?"

"Yessir," one replied. The rest simply nodded or mumbled in agreeance.

They had spoken while walking past a narrow hallway, and hadn't noticed that the king's Chief at Arms and master assassin was standing in it.

Once they had turned down the grand hallway to the stairs leading down to the castle gates, the Chief leaned on the wall as he rounded the corner. "You know they're going to kill them both, right?"

"I know," the king replied. "I have complete faith that Joash is loyal, but in case things get out of hand, I want you to follow them."

"Yes my lord," as he turned back towards the hallway to go to his room, his dark dreadlocks swung with his movement.

"And Ronin," the king called out.

Ronin faced the king again.

"Protect the girl at all costs. If she falls, I can sense that a war shall break loose. Kill the barbarians if you have to, just keep her safe," he said in reference to Rick and his thugs.

"As you wish," then he left to his room.


<POV- Michael>

"WHOA CRAP!!!" I awoke to a severe pain in my side. It passed a few seconds later, and left a sore feeling. I had sat up so fast and made such a loud noise that Phil, who was asleep a few inches from my feet, sprang off the bed we were on and fell off onto the floor. It was almost completely silent. I realized I was in a half sandstone half stone and timber house. It was fairly small. I soon realized I wasn't the only one in the room. I slowly turned my head, and eventually saw a group of kids sitting around a table. They all stared at me, frozen in whatever movements they were in the middle of.

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