Chapter 1

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Bright. That's the first thing that came to mind as I stepped outside the airport entrance, toting my suitcase and looking around for whoever it was that was supposed to be picking me up. The sunlight was beating down, the heat mercilessly reflecting off the pavement and onto me. I swear the temperature was increasing a degree a minute. I could feel the beads of perspiration starting to form on me and wrinkled my nose in disgust. I hate sweat! I sighed and sat down on my propped up suitcase and pulled out my phone, turning it on and then shutting off Airplane Mode. My eyes widened as the number of messages quickly reached first ten, then twenty, then finally twenty-two messages. I began scrolling through them, looking for some sort of indication as to who would be here to get me. There were two from my best friend, Meagan, five from my mom, four from my Aunt Samantha, and ELEVEN from my ex-boyfriend, Josh.

I sighed and skipped over his messages, knowing that they'd all read the same thing that they had lately. 

"I miss you."

"I'm sorry."

"Babe, just talk to me!"

Ugh. I was so tired of him and all his drama! We had dated for 6 months, and at first everything was perfect. When we would go out, I was so happy. We'd go to the movies or he'd take me to dinner or sometimes we just went to a local arcade and embraced the little kid in us. We had so much fun together. But then, the last 2 months, things started to change. He pulled away and began to act colder towards me. His smiles never quite reached his eyes and the amount of time we spent together quickly decreased to the point where we rarely saw eachother at all. It was awful. One day, he would 'love me' and the next he didn't care about me at all and ignored me at all cost. And when I would try to talk to him about it, the response was always the same.

"I'll try harder. I'm sorry. Things will change. I love you."

And things never did. They only ever got worse. In the end, I just couldn't take it anymore, and I broke things off with him right before the school year ended. He didn't seem to care that much. I later discovered that was because right around the time things had started getting rocky between us, he had started cheating on me with another girl. I felt so stupid for not knowing. Regardless, his latest influx of texts was getting on my nerves. If he didn't want me then, then why does he want me now? Now that I'm fully ready to just be single for a while and meet new people?

That's why this summer was going to be so great! I was in beautiful Maui, and I was going to be spending all 3 months of summer here with my Aunt Sam. It would be good to get awat from it, and this seemed like the PERFECT place to do it. Aunt Sam had one of those beach resort condo things where they offer to put you up for a few days in one in exchange for you to go to their six hour long presentation, during which time they try to convince you to buy a time share. Usually, she doesn't go for that type of thing, which is why it was such a shock when she called during Spring Break and asked if I'd like to spend the summer with her. She had said that it was just so beautiful here that when she came, she couldn't resist the buy, and would have a room for each of us should I choose to come. I, of course, begged my parents night and day for a week until they finally relented and now... here I was! Ready to start my summer. Now if only my ride would get here...

A sudden buzzing sensation coming from my phone startled me out of my musings, and I looked down at it to find an incoming call from Aunt Samantha. I instantly sighed with relief and tapped the screen of my Iphone, indicating I wanted to accept the call.

"Hello?" I asked, wanting to make sure she could hear me. Before I left, when she was filling me in on the island, she had told me that the cell signal here could be sketchy at times.

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