Chapter 3

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"Kate," he said, his smirk from earlier today still in place as he looked down at me. I felt my cheeks flush as I realized he was still holding me against him to keep me upright. I shook him off and pushed away. Fully aware that I probably looked like a beach monster that had just washed up on shore, I felt my confidence waver.

"Lucas," I replied.

"Look," he said, still smirking at me, "I know I'm hot, but can you try and kep your hands off me? You interrupted my walk." Despite the fact that it had been an accident, I still blushed. I was glad the dark hid my rosy cheeks.

"I was not trying to run into you. I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry," I said flustered. He was simply staring at me now. Great. Now I KNEW I looked awful. I started to walk past him and down the beach, continuing in the direction I was going.

"What's the matter, Kate?" he called, teasing with a hint of a challenge in his voice. "Afraid I'm going to bite the poor little new girl?" I scowled and whirled back around.

"I'm sorry, did you want something else?" I yelled back, with sarcasm oosing from my voice. "I figured that since every time we talk all that can seem to come out of your mouth are immature and uncalled for comments, I should leave now so I don't have to deal with the 'famous' island jerk."

I stood there for a minute, hands on my hips, eyebrows raised, and emotions in turmoil. I was not emotionally ready for a showdown right now. He didn't say anything, so I turned back around and mustered as much dignity as I could while walking away. Suddenly I felt sand hit me in the back. What the... 

Laughter. What kind of idiot throws sand at a girl who's obviously losing it walking down the beach?!

"Are you for real right now, Lucas?!" I called turning back around. "You're seriously going to throw SAND at me on one of the worst days of my life?"  I sat down on the sand. Maybe I'd just spend the night on the beach. Yeah. That seems easier. My feet hurt really bad already and I was getting a headache from crying. Screw Lucas. I still couldn't figure out what it was I had done that made me deserve the way he'd treated me TWICE now. I set my head down on my arms and stared out at the ocean as the tide came in.

I felt the sand next to me shift. I glanced over and huffed. What was with this guy? Insult me, then sit next to me? Ugh. Time to set the record straight once and for all.

"What are you doing?" I asked, with annoyance.

"I'm sitting here. Is that a problem? It's a public beach, you know."

"Actually, yeah. It is a problem. I don't know if you're playing dumb or if you're just plain stupid, but I think it should be pretty obvious that I don't want you anywhere near me." He was silent.

"Why is today the worst day of your life?" he asked after a moment.

I felt my anger towards him building and finally everything I'd been wanting to yell at him all day spilled out.

"Why? Why is it..." I shook my head and started my monologue, gesturing animatedly as I talked. "So I get to this island after just going through a bad break up right? I'm super excited and everything until I find out that my Aunt, who's supposed to be staying with me and making everything awesome, is going to show up late and I'm alone. Alone in a place I've never been before. But wait! It gets better! So there's this guy who's supposed to be showing me around and helping me enjoy and bide the time until she gets here, and he acts like a total douche bag from the second I meet him. He smirks at me, he is rude, he doesn't think about how I might be totally overwhelmed and feeling awful. He just treats me like crap. Then I get this amazing room, which is I'll admit a perk, but when I decide to leave it to find something to do, I get lost. In my hotel. Like an idiot. OH! Well when I finally find my way out to the beach and meet some people at a bonfire, the worst possible song for right now comes on. So I run. Straight into the previously mentioned jerk and he throws sand at me. Great first day. Really."

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