Chapter 2

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I blinked several times as I woke up, the dark world around me coming into focus as I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. I rubbed my eyes sleepily as I sat up, pushing the covers off of me and climbing out of bed. Looking around, I grinned again. I really just LOVE my room! I pulled on a bra under my fitted sleep tank top and walked out into the living room, where I then grabbed my phone off the charger cord I'd used to plug it into the wall earlier. Curling my feet up under me, I began to read through my few messages. Most of them were simply check-ins from my parents and family to make sure I'd arrived safely, so I decided now might be a good time to make a few phone calls. I tapped the icon on my screen with a picture of me and mom together and hit call.

 Ringgggggggggggggg. Ringgggggg. Click.

 "Hello, you've reached the voice mail box of Janet Beckens. Please leave a message after the tone!" BEEP!

 "Hey mom, it's me! Just wanted to let you know that I'm here and safe. I took a nap and am catching up with everyone who's contacted me. Call me back when you get  the chance! Love you!"

 I was surprised she hadn't picked up! She always answers when I'm checking in because I'm not home. Then again... What time is it? I glanced at the clock and did a mental face palm. OF COURSE. She wasn't awake! It might only be 7 o'clock here, but it was 1 A.M. there. I had TOTALLY forgotten time difference. "Holy....Did I really slept that long?," I thought, remembering how I went to bed at noon, and it was only supposed to be a nap. Ugh. Who else did I need to call back again?

I couldn't think of anyone else to talk to at the moment, but pocketed my phone just in case I did later. I walked to the window again and slid the doors open, stepping onto the balcony and looking at the beautiful beach that lay in front of me, I almost wanted to go do a little exploring. Grabbing the list of activities for the next few days off the counter, I walked back into my room and opened one of my bags, rummaging for a bikini and some shorts. I quickly found what I was looking for.

I threw on a white bikini and hastily tied the bow around my neck, then pulled on some shorts and a pink and gray striped top, that cut off just above my belly button. I slipped on a pair of matching flip flops and stood in front of the mirror, doing a final check as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. It was starting to curl at the ends from the humidity earlier.

With a final last glance, I nodded with a determined feeling and walked out the door. What had happened with Lucas earlier was not going to ruin my fun. Who needs him? I could figure out things to do and where they were on my own! 

I think.

Walking down the hallway, I looked for signs indicating where the elevator might be. It was an old joke back home about how awful my sense of direction is, because I'm just really bad at figuring out and remember where things are! Five minutes went by... then ten.... 

Just as a feeling of helplessness was beginning to settle in my chest, footsteps sounded  behind me. A girl, I'd never seen her before, in a cute beach dress and flip flops breezed past me and down the hall. I was saved! I hurried to follow her, trying to seem like I knew where I was going. She turned a corner and as I followed her I saw- YESSSS- the elevator! This place is so freaking big. They should seriously have a map posted on every corner so that people don't get lost.

I pressed the down button for the elevator and stepped back, expecting a few moment of awkward silence while this stranger and I stood here waiting to share the next minute of our lives together in an elevator. To my surprise, there was no awkward silence, because she turned to me started talking.

"Were you just following me?," she asked, amusement playing on her features.

"What? Of course not. I don't even know you!," I exclaimed, trying (and yes, I knew I was failing) to play this embarrassing situation off. In response she merely quirked an eyebrow and waited.

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