Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning to a knock on my door. Urghhhh. I groaned and rolled out of bed. If this was freaking housekeeping, I was going to be pissed that the lady had interrupted my great night's sleep. It was only 8:30! I probably looked like the swamp monster from Hell this morning. I had literally walked into my room last night, layed down on the bed, and fell asleep. Sand in my hair and all. Whoever was waiting outside my door was in for one scary looking Kate.

Whoever it was pounded on the door again. Argh.

"I'm coming, I'm COMING! Don't get your panties in a twist!" I yelled, annoyed, as I glanced in a mirror and hurried to the door. I didn't even bother looking the peep hole, I just swung the door open.

"Look, I know you're probably ready to clean, but it's super early and I got in late last night and-" I started, getting ready to tell housekeeping to leave. My words fell away when I noticed it wasn't housekeeping at my door.

An amused smile on his face, Lucas laughed and said, "Well good morning to you, Sunshine. You look...." he paused, swallowing another smile, and continued, "Um... interesting."

"Oh shutup!" I cried, embarrassed now that I hadn't taken any care in my appearance. For God's sake, I hadn't even showered yet! I gestured in through the door and let him walk inside. "I look awful and you know it. Don't even try to lie." He grinned and winked at me.

"Your words, not mine. Just remember that! Anyway, what were you doing still in bed? We've got places to go! Things to do! Wonders to explore!" he said, putting on a tour guide-esque face and spreading his hands far and wide in the air. I smacked him and walked into the kitchenette to get some breakfast.

"I was still in bed, Lucas, because I got home late last night and was exhausted. Not to mention I still had jet lag. You woke me up! No me gusta," I said, childishly sticking out my tongue at him. He looked at me funny for a second before replying.

"Well, you're awake now! Sucks to be you. Anyway, hurry up and get ready. I'm giving you until 9:30. Got that? ONE HOUR. Then I'm coming back over here to get you. And bring a swim suit. We're going to a few places where we might get wet."

"Ughhhh. You can't tell me what to do," I whined. "I need more than an hour! I actually want to look decent."  He rolled his eyes.

"You girls are all the same. One hour. No negotiating. And you know what? I think I'm actually just going to stay here, to make sure you're getting ready. And you'll look beautiful in whatever, so shutup." I was basking in the glow of that compliment until he walked into the kitchen and clapped twice at me. Assuming a British accent he said, "Chop chop, Kate dearest. The clock is ticking!" Then it was MY turn to roll my eyes.

"You're a dork," I muttered, breezing out of the kitchen on the way to my room.

"You know it! And a cute one, too!" he called after me. "Now go shower! You're leaving a sand trail!"

Crap! He caught my expression and laughed, shooing me again. I dodged into my room and shut the door. Pulling out some white shorts, a purple take top, and a gray bra mini strapless for underneath the purple, I waltzed into the shower. I quickly washed my hair and shaved, then stepped out to dry off. Pulling the clothes on, I brushed on some make up and blow dried my hair, then braided it down the side. My stumach grumbled, and then so did I. In all that rush, I didn't get to eat. Thanks, Lucas. I grabbed my purse and walked back out into the living room, only to find Lucas gone. Hmm... I thought he was going to stay?

Glancing around the room, I didn't see him anywhere, though I DID smell the alluring scent of bacon. My stomach rumbled again. There was country music playing softly from somewhere, too.

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