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*Author's POV*

Hyungwon shifted uncomfortably on his bed as soon as he locked his phone... He knew that agreeing to meet the blonde photographer would mean more chances of falling for him and he couldn't afford breaking his heart for a millionth time...

He got up from his bed nonetheless and opened his closet to wear something decent as he was an OCD person, he styled his hair, applied some make up and put some cologne before he exited his room.

Cold sweat was running down his back while he was heading towards the shorter male's room, for some weird reason he found it difficult to be around him...

He knocked on the other's door and took a sharp breath before it was opened to reveal Wonho with messy hair, a white t-shirt and black sweatpants and for some weird reason Hyungwon liked it... He loved how vulnerable the player looked like this...

"Wow... Looking good!" exclaimed Hoseok once he closed his door.

"Always..." he responded with sass making Wonho chuckle.

"I'm actually surprised you agreed to be honest..." confessed the messy photographer while he was preparing his camera.

"And why is that?" asked the tall male when he stood where Wonho showed him.

"Um... People around campus claim you're the most good looking person here but the most snobbish and cold as well so..." he replied and looked down, not even knowing how would the other react.

"Do you believe them?" asked him the raven haired male and raised an eyebrow making his knees become weak.

"A-About the handsome part yes... About t-the other... No to tell the truth..." he said and smiled at the taller male that was standing in front of him.

"I think we should start the shooting, huh?" mumbled Hyungwon and bit his inner cheek to prevent a smile after the silence became too awkward to handle, relieving Wonho as well.

"Yeah..." he agreed with flushed cheeks and an abnormally fast beating heart.

"So... What am I supposed to do?" asked the black haired artist whose body was twitching uncomfortably behind the camera.

"You've never been into a photoshoot before?" asked him Hoseok who didn't seem convinced... How could someone as handsome as Hyungwon state that he had never been into a shooting before? Why?

"Not really..." he claimed and frowned a bit melting the blonde's heart.

"It's fine! Just do a hot pose or something... You know, natural poses, something comfortable..." he told the taller male and winked, waiting for him to prepare himself.

No matter how hard Wonho tried to convince himself that Hyungwon had a bad angle or even had a small flaw he found neither and he was left speechless when every picture he had taken was perfect... Everything seemed as if it were sculpted by God himself, his sparkly eyes, his plump lips, his long legs... Everything... He admired everything...

"Um... Do they look good?" asked the black haired boy curiously and walked towards Hoseok.

"Yeah, they are perfect! Thank you..." he said and smiled genuinely, something he had never done to anyone before...

"Okay... I have to go now... See you around I guess..." he mumbled and headed towards the door.

"See you around..." agreed the blonde male and watched the other exit the room with a huge frown on his face, could he actually be missing someone? Why was he acting like that?

> @KiHyUn

-11:30 am-

@WonHoe heeeey!
@WonHoe sup?

@KiHyUn Nothing much tbh...
@KiHyUn how about you?

@WonHoe so like-tell me about Hyungwon...

@KiHyUn why is that though?
@KiHyUn and why are there rumors stating that he came to your dorm?

@WonHoe He just helped me with a project... Chill...

@KiHyUn I'm not going to tell you anything...
@KiHyUn you are a player and I won't trust Hyungwon's info with you...

@WonHoe it's not my fault Kihyun... I had told you that I didn't do relationships and romance...

@KiHyUn and that's why I won't help you break another person's heart...

@WonHoe what if I'm not planning to break his heart?

@KiHyUn once a player always a player...
@KiHyUn how about Minhyuk? Why did you break his heart?

@WonHoe we weren't dating and I had told him that I only wanted sex before he agreed...
@WonHoe I had told him to have sex with me with no strings attached... It's not my fault he fell for me in the process...

@KiHyUn ...

@WonHoe But Hyungwon is different...
@WonHoe Are you going to help me or what?

@KiHyUn ...No...
@KiHyUn if he is different then YOU have to get to know him...

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