seven // first fight

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"What's up with your brother and sister? They seem on edge." Kale said.

"I don't know." I lied. I knew exactly why they were on edge. So a few years ago, Arianna used to date a bad boy. Ironic right? Justin, being the older twin, told her to stay away. She, of course, didn't listen. Her boyfriend's name was Jude. He was WAY worse than Daniel. Our parents didn't like Jude, but when Arianna was with him, she was happy. So they didn't want to ruin her happiness. Jude was a total ass, but Arianna just didn't notice. One day, Justin and I went to the mall to get a present for Arianna since her birthday was coming up. We went to Sephora to get her makeup and we saw Jude there. Only he wasn't alone.. He was with another girl. But not just any girl.. One of Arianna's best friends. So long story short, Justin went over, talked to Jude (more like cussed out), and we went home to tell Arianna. She was depressed for 3 weeks straight. Justin and I hated seeing her sad. That's why Justin and Arianna are on edge. They don't want to see me end up like her. But I don't like Daniel, so yeah. 

"So...I'm having a party this Friday. Christi, you up for it?" Josh asked. A party? 

"Hmm I'll think about it." I smirked at him. 

"You should go though. Josh has the craziest parties ever." Alex added.

"I probably will. I don't have any plans. I got no friends except you losers." 

"Hey! Christi, I'm hurt. I thought we had something special." Daniel said, faking a heartbreak. I rolled my eyes and hit him in the chest. He just laughed.


"C'mon, let's go." We said bye to the guys and walked to homeroom.

********* (Skip to lunch) ********

I walked out of the cafeteria with my lunch. Today went pretty good. I finally made some friends. A met a girl named Jenn, another girl named Hannah, and a guy named Kyle. They all were really nice. Kyle was the one I met first. He was the only I'm closest with in our little group. I decided to have lunch with them today. 

"Hey guys." I said to them. I sat in between Jenn and Kyle. 

"Sup." Kyle said. "OOOOH YOU GOT FRENCH FRIES!!" he yelled and grabbed some fries.

"Hey! I didn't say you could have any!" I yelled at him when he ate them. He shrugged and I pushed his shoulder. 

"Ha ha ha. Like that hurt." He said sarcastically. I smirked at him and pushed him harder. Enough to drop him on the ground. Jenn and Hannah started laughing when he fell.

"CHRISTI!" He yelled at me and dragged me down. I screamed and fell. Now Kyle and I were on the ground while Jenn and Hannah were laughing at us. World's greatest friends. *claps hands* Kyle and I kept dragging each other down when one of us stood up. During all this, I was thinking about how idiotic we probably looked. Just imagine casually eating lunch when you see a boy and girl on the floor,laughing and pulling each other down to the ground, while another two girls are laughing out loud. Now you know what we looked like. Kyle was about to pull me down again when I heard someone yell.

"What the hell are you doing with her?!" I froze and looked at the source of the voice. Daniel was walking toward us, and he looked pissed. Kyle, unaware of Daniel, grabbed my hand and pulled me, making me fall on him. I looked at Daniel again and he looked even more pissed. I tried to stand up but Kyle wrapped his arms around me and kept me down. Oh no. 

"NOOO! YOU AIN'T GETTING UP!" Kyle yelled at me. I tried to get up before Daniel got here. But it was too late. Daniel grabbed my hands and pulled me up to him. 

"We need to talk." He whispered to me. He gave Kyle a glare, got my backpack, and we left. He dragged me to the back of the gym. 

"What is wrong with you?! The guys and I were waiting for you, but you never showed up! Then Connor says "Isn't that Christi over there?" AND I SEE YOU WITH HIM. Don't you understand? You're mine, and only mine. I don't want you near him anymore, got it?!" He yelled at me. Really?! He thinks he controls my life and can tell me what to do?! NO HE CAN'T.

"No! You don't control my life Daniel! You can't tell me who to hang out with and who not to! If you don't like me hanging out with Kyle, DEAL WITH IT! What happened to the sweet guy I was with yesterday?" I screamed at him and ran away.

"Christi wait!" He exclaimed behind me. I kept running. "Christi stop!" "Please!" He kept yelling. I felt him grab my arm and spin me around. I looked down, avoiding his eyes. "Christi,look at me." He put his hand under my chin and tilted it up. "Christi..." he whispered. "Listen sorry, okay? I just.. I don't want you with other guys except for the ones we hang out with. You're mine. Okay?" He whispered. This seems like the sweet guy I knew yesterday..but he could be faking.

"How can I trust you if you can't even trust me?" I asked. 

"Christi please.." He asked, avoiding my question.

"Answer my question."

"" He stuttered.

"That's what I thought." I said and walked away. He didn't even try to follow me this time.

I don't even like Daniel that way. I only think of him as a friend, I guess. So why do I feel like I just got my heart broken?


Okay so forget my updating schedule! I clearly am not following it. xD

Oooh some drama in this chapter. And as for Christi's new friends, just choose whoever you want. Same thing for Amanda,Tiffany,and Rachel. I just put down some people I thought would look good but if you wanna change the person, go ahead. Sorry for any mistakes! Don't forget to vote and comment! Okay I gotta go babysit now. *insert horrified face* Help me. #PrayForJay


- Jayy ♥

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