The announcment

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Mals room^

Mals outfit^

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Mals outfit^

"Mal want to come to the office with me?" Dad asks at breakfast. "Sure. When is the next show?" I say. "Tomorrow." He says. I nod. We finish eating. I walk to my room. I change into my outfit. I call my friend Evie. "What up girl?" She asks. "Wanna come hang at the office with me?" I ask. "Sure. Let me get dressed. Come pick me up?" She says. "Yep." I say. I hang up. I grab my camera. I do vlogs. They are in my office at the office. Never saying that again. "Dad?" I say walking into the living room. "Yes." He says. "When would you feel comfortable enough to tell your fans about me?" I ask. "I don't know. I'm ready if you're ready." He says. "Could we do a video on both of our channels?" I ask. "Sure. Ready to go?" He says. "Yep. Can we pick up E?" I say. He chuckles. "Sure." He says. We walk to the car. I make sure to have a beanie at all times. We hop in the car. We drive to Evie's house. I hop out of the car. I knock on the door. Evie answers it. "You ready?" I ask. She nods. She shuts the door. We hop in the backseat. We drive to the office. I put on my beanie. Dad puts his hood up. The reason we do this is because we have to walk from the parking lot to the building and through the halls. Before we started doing this people were coming up to us wanting autographs and pictures. Evie doesn't have to hide coming with us anywhere. We walk in our office space. "When do you want to record the video for your channel?" I ask. "A little bit later." He says. "Okay well. I want to do my video now." I say. He nods. I grab my camera out of my backpack. I turn it towards me and turn it on. I make sure dad isn't in the view. "What's up guys? Today I am actually vloging outside my recording space. This is the office space that I share with my dad and his friends." I say. "Let's go to my space." I say. We walk to my recording room. I set up my camera. Evie stays in the back ground. Dad sits right next to me. "Okay we are in my space. Okay you might be wondering who this is beside me if you don't already know. This is ryguyrocky. Ryan here is my dad. If you have seen me at a live show with the Proper Dummies/Idiots and thought that I might be dating one of the guys. I'm not. He is my dad. Now to clear up some other stuff. I am not dating Nathan or George. Plus George smells." I say. "I heard that." Moose says. "Shut up and get out!" I yell. He walks in the room. "Well then if you don't want me in here then why am I standing here?" He asks. I stand up. "Don't even try to intimidate me." I say. Some people don't know that I have magic. I have a spell book. George is one of those people. "M." Evie says trying to calm me down. I reach for my necklace. Dad is standing in the corner. I look over to my setup and see if my camera is still recording. It's not. Dad must have turned it off. "I suggest you leave." I say playing with my necklace. "Why?" He asks. I snap. I grab the book off my necklace. It grows to a regular size. I flip through the pages. I find the spell I'm looking for. "Make this ignorant fool leave and obey my every command." I say. I move my finger left,right,up,down. George instantly leaves the room. I turn around. "Why did you do that M?" Evie asks. "Doesn't matter." I say. " c...can t...that?" He asks stuttering. "Let's not talk about that. Now let me help you." I say. He nods. "Give em the bravery of beast." I say then do my finger movements. "You okay now." I ask. "Yes." He says. "Are you ready to tell your viewers?" I ask. "Yep." He says. "Minecraft?" I ask. "Sure." He says. I nod. He walks into his recording room. "How long do the spells last?" Evie asks. "I will clear dad after the news. George I'm not sure of. Do you want to mess with him a little?" I say. "Why not." She says. "George!" I yell. He walks in. "Bring me some sprite  please." I say. He nods and walks out. Evie giggles. "I don't remember how fun this was at the orphanage." She says. I nod. I put my spell book back on the necklace. I turn to my computer. I call dad. "Wanna stream this?" I ask. "Yes." He says. He gets setup. I setup my stream and minecraft. "Hey guys welcome to the stream." Dad says. I start my stream and wait for more people to join. "Hey guys. Horse Lover here. Today I am playing minecraft with ryguyrocky!" I say. I see people saying in chat how did you get his number and no way. "Okay guys. Many people are wondering how I got Ryan's number. Ryan want to explain why to your viewers? I have my announcement in a vlog." I say. "Yes. Okay well. No one, but the Proper Dummies/Idiots know this. Mal is my daughter." He says. People in chat are going crazy. I see my subscriber count going up. Moose walks in the room. "Thanks George." I say taking the sprite. "E cover for me." I say. I get up and take George outside. I grab my spell book. "Release this boy from the spell." I say. I do my movements. "What's going on?" He asks holding his head. "Talk later. You have to work. Now go." I say shooing him off. "Go back to normal. Remember what has happened while in the spell." I say then move my finger. I put my spell book back on my necklace. I walk back into the room. "How's it going?" I ask seeing Evie playing bed wars. "We're winning." She says. I let them finish the game. I take over after that. Me and dad finish the stream. I finish my little vlog with my outro. I edit it. We go home. All my friends come over to see if I can hit ten million subs.

Hey guys. I want to say something. I didn't base my characters after Descendants. The outfits however are from Descendants. No haters. Again shoutout to ryguyrocky. One more shoutout itsmoosecraft. Had to sorry. I am slowly incorporating the characters. Next chapter will be longer because it is the live show. It will have all of the main characters. See ya next time my pack! Byeee!!!!

My dad is ryguyrocky.Where stories live. Discover now