Live show

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Mals outfit^

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Mals outfit^

Evies outfit^

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Evies outfit^

I wake up. Today we have a live show. First show that people will actually know who I am. I get dressed. I walk to the kitchen. I grab the cereal. Dad walks in and grabs a bowl. "Are you ready for the show?" He asks. "Yeah. Not ready for all the people that will recognize me." I say. "Yeah. You're not going to be a mysterious girl anymore." He says chuckling. I giggle. "Yeah." I say. We sit down and eat. I put my bowl in the sink. I walk to my room. Jay skypes me. I answer. "Hey Jay. Carlos with you?" I say. "Yeah. What are you doing later?" He says. "Live show." I say. "Can we come? We saw the stream and video." He says. "Sure. E is coming." I say. He nods. "See you later. Have your mum drive you to the usual place." I say. He nods. I wave. He waves back. I hang up. I grab my phone and camera. I turn on my camera. "Hey guys. Horse Lover here. Today I am starting my vlog in my room. I have never shown y'all my room. Here it is." I say. Showing my room. "Today I have to go to a live show. The show is my dad and his friends. My friends Evie, Jay, and Carlos are going to be with us. Me and dad have to pick up E. The boys are going to meet us there." I say. "Let's go see if dads ready to go." I say. I walk downstairs. "Are you ready to go?" I ask zooming in on his face. "Yep. Pick up E?" He says. I nod and zoom out. I turn off the camera. We walk to the car. We drive to Evies house. I hop out and walk to the door. I knock. Evie answers. We walk to the car. We hop in the backseat. We drive to the office. I see George's car. I sigh. I keep looking around the parking lot. I see Nathan's car. "Where is Zach and the rest of the gang?" I ask. "Still on the way here. They will be here soon though." He says. I nod. We walk inside. I walk to our kitchen. I grab one of my sprites. Evie grabs one of her cokes. In the office fridge I have a shelf for drinks. We walk to my office. My desk is black. I have a hanging chair that is black and purple. I have a sitting tent. The tent part is hanging from the ceiling. It is purple. The fake fur rug is black. Some pillows that are purple say 'Long Live Evil' or Mal. Some have two dragons in a heart shape on them. Some blue pillows say 'Fairest of Them All' or Evie. Some of them have a red apple on them. The rest have a cracked crown over a heart. It is in the corner so it isn't in the camera view. Evie pulls a chair up next to me. I turn on minecraft and I turn on my camera. "Hej guys. Horse Lover here. Evie's here with me today. We are going to do the mouse and keyboard challenge. I will have the mouse and E will have the keyboard. Let's get started. We will play bed wars." I say. We get into a game. Me being me I don't have a nickname on. So my name is Mal Damon. I hate my life now. "Fan! People are going to target us!" I yell. Nathan and George run in the room. "What's going on?" They ask. "People are going to target us because I forgot to put a nickname on." I say. "Okay. I thought it was worse than that." Nathan says. I roll my eyes. "Oh! We saw the vid." George says. I sigh. "Fan" I whisper. "What?" Nathan asks. "Nothing." I say. "Everything." I whisper. "Okay. After your done can we talk you alone?" George asks looking at Evie. I nod. They walk out of the room. We finish recording. "Now get out so I can talk to them." I say. "Okay. Have fun." She says. I huff. Someone knocks. "Come in." I say. The guys walk in. "What do you two need to talk to me about?" I ask without looking. "Well I like you, but your too young for me." Nathan says. "Huh. I like you too. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable though." I say. He nods. "Whatever happens with you and Moose please don't let that change our friendship. Okay." He says. "Of course. Nathan remember this. I will never hate you or forget you. Okay?" I say. He nods. "Send in the Moose Milk." I say laughing. He chuckles. He nods and walks out. I breathe in. George walks in. I breathe out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "Mal." He says. "Ja." I say. "I really like you. I don't know if Ryan will let me date you though." He says. "Yeah. People have been thinking that I'm dating you. Want to try without dad knowing?" I say. "Sure. Why not." He says. I laugh. "What?" He asks. "M...minecraft really?" I ask while laughing. "Oh. Yeah that was Nathan. He dared me to have this while talking to you." He says. I roll my eyes. "Of course he did." I say. "Moose. I really like you. We have a little while before the show. Want to hangout a little bit." I say. "Sure." He says. I stand up. I walk over to him. We hug. "Let me grab my camera." I say. He nods. I grab my camera. He walks out first pulling me with him. We go to his office. My phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket. I see a text from an unknown number. 'Hello Mal. My name is Ethan. I have heard about you from my friends sister. My channel is Crankgameplays if you want to check it out.' It says. I call Ethan. "Hello." He says. "Hej. How did you get my number?" I say. "I was talking to you on Twitter." He says. "Oh! Yeah. Now I remember. How's Mark and Chica?" I ask. George looks at me. I wave him off. "Good. I hear y'all are having a live show tonight." He says. "Yep." I say. "I'm going to be there with Mark and Tyler." He says. "Oh! Can't wait to see you Ethan. See you later." I say. "Okay. Bye Mal." He says. "Bye." I say and hang up. "Who was that?" George asks me hugging me from behind. I roll my eyes. "Ethan McNester." I say. "Ethan?" He asks. "Crankgameplays." I say. He nods. I turn around in hi arms. "Now. Do you want to watch Netflix in my little tent?" I ask. "Sure." He says. I hug him. I wiggle out of his hug. I walk back to my office. I grab the tv remote. I sit down. George walks in and shuts the door behind him. He walks over to me. He sits down beside me. I turn the tv on. "You know what?" He says. I look at him. "I can't believe your not wearing your usual rebel clothes." He says. I smack him. I turn on the live action Cinderella. "Your making me watch a princess movie?" He asks. "Shut up." I say. He pulls me into his lap in the middle of the movie. I lean back. My head now resting on his shoulder. I hear a knock at the door. "M it's me." Evie says. "Come in." I say not moving. She walks in and shuts the door behind her. "Awww!" She squeals. Me and George shush her quickly. "Oh! Right don't want Ryan to know." She says. "And the rest of the gang besides Leah and Megan. Nathan will probably figure it out tonight." I say. She nods. "Well pack up. The guys are already waiting for us at the place. Plus we need to leave now so pack up." She says. "Can we ride with you?" I ask George. He nods. I look at my bff. She nods and holds up her stuff. I giggle and stand up. I help George up. We walk outside my office. The whole gang is standing there. "What?" I ask. Megan,Leah,and Nathan are the only three that don't shake their heads. I look at them with a raised eyebrow. They stay behind as the others walk away. George grabs my hand. I look up at him. Nathan walks closer to me. "I ship it." He whispers in my ear. "Nathan." I say. "Who are you riding with?" Nathan asks me teasingly. I roll my eyes. I point to George. Evie points to me. "I'm riding with this idiot." Megan says. "I feel bad for you." I say. "Take me with you." She says. "I can fit one more person in my car." George says. Megan looks at him. "Okay. We'll save you from Unspeakable things." I say. Everyone laughs. "Hey!" Nathan says. We walk away. George drops my hand when we get to the lounge area. "These three are riding with me." George says. "Okay me and Leah are taking Zach. Ryan is going with Nathan. Jay and Burt are going together." Garret says. I nod. I walk to the fridge. I grab me a sprite. George a water. I grab E a coke. I walk back to them and hand them their drinks. "Load up." Zach says. We nod and go to the cars that we are riding in. George is driving. I'm sitting beside him. Megan and Evie are sitting in the back. George starts the car. We pull out of the parking lot. George grabs my hand. I look at him. Megan and Evie are talking away. "So. How is Meagan?" I ask. "Better." He says. I see Nathan pass us. He was smirking the whole time. I look at George. He looks at me. We nod. "Hold on." I say. I feel Evie grab my seat. George starts going faster. "Don't go to far over the speed limit." I say. He nods. I start smirking as we get right beside Nathan. I look over to Nathan. I wave at him. "Go." I say. We completely pass Nathan. We get to the theater first. Nathan and dad second. Everyone else comes about the same time. We get out of the car. "What the heck were you four thinking?" Zach asks. "Uhhh." Is all the guys could say. "Am I the only one that isn't fazed or scared?" I ask annoyed. I elbow George. I pinch dad. I smack Nathan. "What?" They ask. Then their hands go straight to where I hurt them. "Zach asked what we were thinking." I say. "Oh! Yeah just a little race is all." Nathan says. "More like a asking to get a speeding ticket." Zach says. "Yeah. Sorry Zach." I say. "Okay watch Moose next time." He says winking at me. I sigh. I pull him away from everyone else. "You know?" I ask him. "Kinda easy to figure out. To be honest you would have smacked or pinched him if you two weren't together." He says. "I would elbow the other two if they were beside me." I say. He nods. "When are you going to tell Ryan?" He asks. "Tonight." I say. He looks at me. He nods. I walk back to the group. I walk to the car with George,Evie,and Megan. We grab our stuff. I take out my camera. "Were here. Look at George's new car." I say. I show the camera the car. "Question of the day. Who do you think I'm dating? Moose or Nathan?" I say. I turn off my camera. "Come on." George says. I nod. We walk to a little building beside the theater. We walk in and sit down. "So what are we doing tonight?" Evie asks. "Wait Jay and Carlos aren't in here." I say jumping up. I grab George and Evie's arm. I pull them out to the parking lot. I call Jay. "Hej where are you two?" I ask. "The restaurant." He says. I sigh. I hang up. I look at the restaurant. I run in. I spot them quickly. Someone gets in my way. "Freeze everyone near me." I say and do my movements. Everyone freezes. I move around the guy. I see Jay and Carlos standing there not frozen. The good thing about my magic is it won't affect the people that I'm thinking about. I grab their arms and pull them outside. "Unfreeze what was frozen." I say and snap my fingers. Everyone unfreezes. I run back to the little building. The others following. I walk in and sit down on the couch. George sits on one side of me. Evie on the other. The guys stay standing. "Okay. To answer the question earlier. We are playing gang beasts mostly. Probably going to tell horrible jokes. And sign stuff." Dad says. I nod. We sit and talk for a while. Most of the group already knows Jay and Carlos. The only person that hasn't meet them before would be Zach. (Note. Zach is like a second dad to Mal.) I have like a ton of children. The only reason is me and Moose adopted fans. I had a hundred kids before now. Moose had two hundred kids before now. Now both of us have three hundred kids. "What you thinking about?" George asks. "Talk later." I say and look at dad. "Oh! Right yeah later." He says realizing what I'm talking about. I nod. A worker from the theater walks in. "Everything is setup and perfect. We have the screen setup. We're ready when y'all are ready." The lady says. We nod. "Want to get mics set up for the guys?" She asks. I nod. "Sure." I say. We grab our stuff and walk to the theater. We set our stuff back stage. "E help Jay and Carlos. Megan help Ryan. Leah Garret. I'll get Moose and that Unspeakable thing." I say pointing towards Nathan at the end. The girls nod. I grab a mic. I have to run the wire up George's back. I finish setting it up. I walk over to Nathan. He already has the mic in his back pocket. I grab the wire. I run it up the back of his shirt. I avoid touching his back. I finish setting it up. "You ready?" I ask my second dad. He nods. I put the mic in his pocket. I run it up his shirt. I help him get the mic in the right spot. "Us girls just getting mics to hold?" E asks. Zach nods. I walk to George. "How are we going to be introduced?" I ask. He shrugs. I nod. We walk outside. I vlog a little. I see a guy with blue hair with a guy with dyed red hair. "Ethan! Mark! Tyler!" I yell waving them over. They run over. I wrap Ethan in a hug. "Cmon. Let's get inside before people realize who we are." I say. I drag them inside. "Okay go ahead and sit down." I say. They nod and sit. Me and George walk backstage. "E I have a surprise." I say. "Can we talk?" George asks. I nod. "Stay here." I say and walk off with George. "Who is Ethan to you?" He asks. I burst out laughing. "Babe he is Evie's boyfriend. I wanted to surprise her. The only reason I didn't know who called me earlier was because he had to get his phone number changed. Plus I like you." I say. "Okay." He says. I nod. I walk back to Evie. "Close." I say. She shuts her eyes. I guide her to the seats. "Open." I say. "Babe!" She says and jumps into his arms. A worker walks over. "We are about to let the people in." She says. "Make sure that these three don't get bombarded." I say. "YouTubers?" She asks. I nod. "Let me guess. Markipilier. Crankgameplays. And Tyler." She says looking at the guys. I nod. "Let's get you three to the private seats." She says. They nod. "Don't worry your gonna do great. I promise." Ethan says to Evie. "Okay. Love you. Now get to your seat." She says. He nods. I grab her arm and pull her back backstage again. "Let in the people." I say to a worker. "Did you enjoy your surprise?" George asks Evie. "Ja!" She says. He nods. "Is everyone ready?" A backstage worker asks. We all nod. "Okay. Go onstage when your ready." She says. We nod. "Okay is go first. I'll introduce y'all." Zach says. We nod. He walks onstage. "Hello everyone. My name is Zach. This is Ryan. Moose's girlfriend." He says. Dad looks confused. Let's hope he doesn't kill George. I grab a mic. I stand still. I think of my transportation spell. I pop up on stage. "Hello that would be me." I say. "Next up is Moose." Ryan says. George walks up next to me. "Hello." He says. "Evie,Jay,and Carlos!" I say. They walk out. "Hej." Evie says. Jay and Carlos wave. "Megan,Leah,Garret!" George says. They walk on stage and say hi. "Last but not least. Unspeakable!" Evie yells. "Welcome everyone to Proper Dummies live!" I say. "First thing we are going to do is a Q&Q session. Let's get some people up here. Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos pick some people." Zach says. We nod. I point to two people. Evie chooses two more. Jay and Carlos pick two people too. The people come on stage. "What's your name?" George asks. "Lacey and this is my older brother Kacey." She says. "Okay shoot us a question." I say. We have a mic set up for the people. "When did you two start dating?" She asks. "Today actually." George says. Her brother grabs the mic. "What is your favorite part of your job?" He asks. "My favorite part. Well I would say getting to know you guys. Make y'all happy. It always encourages me when I look at my comment section. We all have built a great community for our viewers. It's a joy to see that we can make people happy." I say. He nods. The next two people move up. "My name is Lilla and this is my sister Lily." The older girl says. I nod. "How did you get on stage?" She asks. "Uhh. That's a secret." I say and look at my friends and dads. They nod. "Okay. Now then. Why is you and Evie's hair dyed?" Lily asks. "Well. When I was little my parents wanted me to have a good job and to remember them. E just wanted to do it." I say. E nods. "What do you mean remember by?" She asks. "My parents died not long after they told me that. Reason why Ryan is my dad." I say. She nods. "So why purple?" The older one asks. "My mums color was green. I wanted to have a color that would go with hers." I say. "Reason why my YouTube picture is a purple and green dragon in a heart shape." I add. "My color is blue as you can tell." E says. The girls nod and leave. We answer the other peoples questions. "What do you think about some Gand Beasts?" I ask the crowd. I get a yes from most of the crowd. The rest yell yes in Swedish. "Let's do Moose vs Horse." Zach says. I roll my eyes. "Really. When have you ever called me horse?" I ask. "I just did. So shush. Plus both channels are named after animals.  So why not." He says. "Better stop talking boy." I say annoyed. "Okay." He says. "Who thinks Mal is going to win?" Dad asks. Most of the crowd yells. "Moose?" Dad asks. The rest of the crowd yells. "Watch your back Moose." I say trying to be innocent. "Why?" He asks. "Because. I play games for a living." I say. "So do I." He says. "Ja. But not Gang Beasts. Your more of Minecraft and Rolblocks." I say. The crowd breaks out in ohhs. "Yes." He says. "I'm known for Gang Beasts and Minecraft." I say. "Burn." E says. I roll my eyes. We start the match. "Die!" I yell getting annoyed. "Nevaaa!" He yells. "Stop button mashing!" I yell. "Why would you think I'm button mashing?" He asks innocent. "Because I used to do it a lot. So stop." I say. He gets distracted for a second. I throw him out of the ring. "Nooooo!" He yells. "Ja! Ja! Ja!" I yell. "Looks like said horse wins." Dad says. "Dad." I warn. "Okay. Okay." He says holding up his hands. The crowd laughs. "That's it for the show. We will be signing stuff soon." Zach says after Garret,Leah,Nathan,and Megan play. We walk off stage. "That was amazing." E says. A worker walks backstage with Ethan and them. "You did great." Ethan says picking up E and spinning her around. "Thanks. I wish I could see you more." She says. "I know. I do too." He says. "I wish we could move to California, but my family and friends are here." I say. Ethan nods. I look at George. He nods. "It would be fun to move somewhere else." George says. I nod. "When do y'all have to leave?" I ask. "Soon." Mark says. "E you should go with them. It would be fun. I would love to go. It's just I have so much here." I say looking around at my friends and dad. "Okay. I'll go. Just stay with us for signing." E says. Mark nods. Ethan hugs E. We walk to where we are signing. Zach sits on the end. Leah sits in Garrets lap beside Zach. Dad sits beside them. I sit in George's lap next to dad. E sits in Ethan's lap next to me. Nathan beside them. Jay,Carlos,Mark,and Tyler sit behind us. We sit and sign stuff for an hour. We finish with the last person. We walk to our cars. E is riding with Ethan. Leah takes E's place in the car. I fall asleep on the way back to the office. I wake up in a room that I have not seen before. I look around. I see a gold play button. I hear someone downstairs. I get up. I walk over to the button. I read the plaque. George's room. I walk to the dresser. I see my phone. I grab it. I see that E texted me. I call her. "Hej E." I say. "Hej M. We're almost to the house. I can't wait. Did you sleep good last night?" She says. "Fell asleep in the car. I'm in George's room right now. Don't even say what you're thinking." I say. "Okay." She says. "I need to go. Talk later." I say. "Ok. Bye." She says. "Bye." I say and hang up. I find one of George's T-shirts. I grab it. I put it on. I walk downstairs. I sneak up on George. "BEKFAST!!" I yell grabbing him. He screams and jumps. I burst out laughing. "That's not funny." He says turning around. "Ja it is." I say. "Come here." He says. "Noooo!" I yell. I run away from him. He chases me. I whisper my teleportation spell while running. I teleport into the kitchen. I run to a cabinet. I hide in it. I hear him walk into the kitchen. "Come out come out wherever you are." He says. "George. What are you doing?" I hear a girl ask. "Looking for my girlfriend." He says. "Okay. Bubba." She says. Meagan. I thought. "Mal." He says. I hear him opening up cabinets. I hold my breath. "Maybe in here." He says. He opens up the cabinet that I'm in. "Found you." He says. I see Meagan standing there. He pulls me out. He picks me up. Meagan takes a picture. "Meagan!!" We yell. She runs to her room. We run after her. She locks the door. I say my teleportation spell. I grab George's arm before doing my finger movements. We teleport into her room. "Crap." She says. George stands in front of the door. "Phone." I say. She hands me her phone. I look at the picture. "Okay ur free." I say handing her the phone. "Oh! I ship it." I say. She starts blushing. "What's going on?" George asks. "That's a conversation for you two." I say. I teleport out of the room into the kitchen.

Hej guys. So here's the chapter. Tell me what you think. I have been working on this for like three days. Sorry. I wanted a lot to happen. The next chapter will have a few months time skip. So yeah. Again my shoutout. itsmoosecraft ryguyrocky Unspeakablegame mydadisaviatorgaming Aviatorgaming. I'll se ya later my pack. Goodbye! Sleep well.

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