Meeting Pewds

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Mals hair^

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Mals hair^

Mals outfit^

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Mals outfit^

E's outfit^

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E's outfit^

I wake up. I walk downstairs and see everyone in the living room. I see two people with blue hair. Well Zach has blue hair. "Evin!" I yell. I run to them. I hug them. "Oh my god. Are you staying?" I say. "Maybe." Ethan. "Ethan." I say. I look at E. "Really?!" I ask yelling. They nod their heads. I pull E into another hug. "Has everyone ate?" I ask looking around. Everyone shakes their head no. "Pancakes?" I ask. Everyone nods. "Get dressed." I say. They nod and go to their rooms. I walk to my room with George. I grab my clothes. I walk to our bathroom. I get dressed. I unlock the door. George walks in dressed. "Need help with hair?" He asks. "Yep." I say. "Curled like normal?" He asks. I nod. "You going to do your hair?" I ask. "Don't I always." He says. I nod. "Start your hair. I'll do my bangs." I say. He nods. I have changed my hair a lot. I have blonde hair with purple tips now. I curl my bangs. George is styling his hair in the normal way. "Okay. I'm done." He says. He washes his hands. "Here. Don't burn my hair." I say handing him the curling iron. He chuckles. He starts curling my hair. I put on my normal makeup. "All done." He says. "E!" I yell. She walk into the bathroom. George is pinning my bangs back. "Yes." She says. "Do you want me to curl your hair?" I ask. She nods. "Tell the others to come in here." I say. George nods knowing who I'm talking about. He walks out. I hear the girls walking to the bathroom. "Hair curled?" I ask. Megan nods. Emma shakes her head. "Your getting your hair curled anyway." E . I nod. I finish E's hair. She starts doing her makeup. I start doing Megan's hair. She has blonde hair with pink tips. I curl her hair. "Should I do pink eyeshadow?" She asks. I nod. She nods and starts doing her makeup. I curl Emma's hair. She puts on eyeshadow and mascara. I grab my backpack and my spell book. I put my spell book in my backpack. I grab my phone and camera. We walk to the living room. I turn on my camera. I shush everyone. "Hej guys. Horse Lover here or more known as Mal. Today I am doing a day in the life of Mal Damon." I say. "Okay. If you didn't know this already. All the people of Proper Productions are living together. We even have Evie and Ethan living with us now. So yeah. We are fixing to go get something to eat." I say. "Yeah. Something for bekfast." George says walking up behind me. I nod. "See you in the car." I say and turn off the camera. "Really?" I ask not turning around. He wraps his arms around me. I feel him nod. "Ready to go?" Zach asks walking downstairs. "Ja!" I yell. George jumps from my sudden excitement. "Okay hop in cars and let's go." Zach says. I nod. Ethan and Evie are riding together. I'm riding with George. Emma and Megan are riding with us. Dad is riding with Nathan. Zach and Hailey are riding with them.

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