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Concentration face^
One week later.

I wake up to yelling like I have been for a week. "Babe." I whisper. "What?" He asks turning around to look at me. "What do you think will happen between them?" I ask. "Well. Zach and Hailey will probably get a divorce." He says. "What about Megan and Sam?" I ask. "Probably break up." He says. "Do you think that if Zach and Hailey get a divorce he'll let me hang out with her?" I ask him. "Probably." He says. "Okay." I say. "You know what I'm done! I don't think we can be together anymore!" Megan yells. I get out of bed. I walk out of my room just in time to see Sam walk out of him and Megan's room and slam the door. He waves at me. "Get out." I say. He stands there for a couple of minutes. I reach for my spell book that is on my necklace. He runs out of the hall and out the front door. I walk to Megan's room. I hear faint sobs. I open the door. I walk in and shut the door behind me. "M...Mal I never want to see him again." She says with tears rolling down her face. "Megan. I know. I don't think he will come back." I say walking to her. "W...Why t...think t...that?" She asks. "I might have scared him." I say. She looks up at me. "Oh! Your eyes are glowing green." She says. "Sorry. It happens whenever I get mad." I say. I hug her. "Okay." She says hugging me back. We jump when we hear a door slam. "Come on. I think Zach needs a little help." I say. Her face lit up. We get up and walk to Zach's room. "Stay here for a second." I say. She nods. I walk in his room. "Zach." I say. "Hey Mal." He says. "What is going to happen between you two?" I ask. "Divorce." He says. "Of course you can still hang out with her. I know you two are inseparable. I would never take that friendship away from you." He says. I nod. "Megan needs some help. Sam's long gone. I made him leave the house and probably scared him in the process." I say giggling at the last part. "Okay." He says. Megan walks in the room crying. "What happened?" I ask. "Sam texted me." She says. "Phone." I say. She hands me her phone. 'I see you in Zach's room.' Sam texted. I block his number and take it off her phone. I walk downstairs and outback. "Go away or else." I say. He tries to run into the house. I grab his arm and twist it to where he can't move. I snap my fingers and he disappears. Probably back at his parents house in Boston. (Just pretend. Don't really know much about em.)

I walk back inside. "What was that about?" Andrew asks. "Sam." I say. He nods. "Calm down M." Evie says. "I'll try." I say. "What are we going to do to keep them off Zach and Megan's mind?" Emma asks. "Horseback riding!" I yell. "Nope. Nope. Nope." Andrew says. "You don't have to ride, but..." I say trailing off. "Oh no. Not the but card." Andrew says. "You still have to come. Everyone put on jeans and boots." I say. Everyone in the room nods. I walk to Zach's room. "Can I come in?" I ask. "Yep." Zach says. I walk in and see Megan and Zach playing minecraft. "We are going to Aunt Lacey's. Put on riding clothes. Megan I suggest putting on a tank top and not wearing makeup." I say. She nods. I walk to my room. I walk in and see George still laying in bed. "Get up lazy." I say. "Neva." He says. "Ja." I say. "Why do I absolutely have to get up?" He asks. "Because we are going to Lacey's and riding to get people off Zach and Megan's mind." I say. "Okay. Jeans and boots?" He asks. "Yep old jeans." I say. He nods. I walk into our closet and put on English riding pants and a white tank top. I put on my knee high black riding boots. "George can you do my hair?" I ask walking out of the closet. "Sure. What do you want a braid the hairstyle you wear for competitions?" He asks. "French braid." I say. He nods. I sit down in my desk chair. He starts braiding my hair. Someone knocks on the door. "Can we come in?" Emma asks. "Yep." I say. The girls walk in. "Whatcha need?" I ask. "Can you do my hair while George braids Emma's ?" Megan asks. "Sure." I say. "All done." George says. "Thanks." I say. I stand up. Emma sits down in George's desk chair. Megan sits down in my chair. "How do you want your hair?" I ask. She motions me to lean in. "Something to impress someone." She whispers. "Oh!" I say. I stand up straight. "Surprise me." She says to make it seem like she told me something personal. "I know just what to do." I say. I start French braiding her hair. I pull it into a ponytail at the back of her head. I turn on my curling iron. "What are you doing?" She asks. "This will help keep your hair off your neck and back." I say. She turns around. I wink at her. She turns back around blushing. Once the iron heats up I curl her hair. She stands up. I give her my hand mirror. "Oh my god! It looks amazing. Thank you M." She says. "You're welcome." I say. She sets the mirror down and hugs me. "You have no idea how much this means for me." She whispers. She lets go of me. "Let me do a couple things for makeup." I say. She nods. I grab mascara. She puts it on. I put white eye shadow on her lid. I put pink over it. "Hey. There's a barrel racing competition tonight I'm competing. Do you want to compete?" I ask Megan. "Sure." She says. "Pack nice jeans and boots and your pink tank top that matches your hair." I say. She nods. I finish up her look with eyeliner. "That's it." I say. "Oh my god. I literally look amazing." She says. She walks to her room. I grab my purple tank top, nice lace ripped black jeans, and boots. I put the clothes in my off the shoulder bag. I pack up my makeup. Zach walks in. "Ready to go?" He asks. "Out and no." I say. "Why?" He starts asking. "Because." I say cutting him off. He walks out of the room. I take Megan outback. "Stay where he can't see you." I say. She nods. I walk inside and tell everyone to load up. I grab my blindfold. I walk to the bus. I walk to Zachs' seat. "Put this on." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Because. Now put it on." I say. He puts it on. I walk to where Megan is outback. I take her to the bus. I put my finger to my lips as I get on. I sit down in my normal seat. Megan sits down next to me. "Bubba come here." I say. Nathan walks to me. "Yes." He says. "Make sure Zach doesn't take of the blindfold." I say. He nods. Wonder why I call Nathan bubba? Well if you guessed that he is my brother then your right. Yes I have an older brother. Never knew until a while ago. Like yesterday. Turns out he found out yesterday too. He walks to sit with Zach. We pull up to the stable and I see Kyle trying to catch Annabelle. I look around and see that Dave is trying to catch Midnight. Once George parks. Megan jumps out and runs to the barn. "Help Zach get to the barn bub." I say. He nods. I jump out and run to the barn. I run all the way up the loft stairs. Why the loft? Because aunt Lacey put a day bed, a couch, and bean bags in the loft for her nieces and nephews or the workers that work really late. I see Megan sitting on the day bed. "What do you think Zach is going to do with Mia and Antonio?" She asks. "Well if y'all start dating you will be their mother figure until y'all marry." I say. "Ok." She says. I plug my phone up. I play the country music that I sing and wrote. I hear someone walking up the stairs. Me and Megan start laughing. We pretend that I told a joke. I see that the person was none other than Zach. "Well I need to go tend to Midnight because Dave can't catch her." I say. Megan nods. I walk down the stairs and into the family tack room. I grab my purple halter. I walk outside to Flickas pasture. "Having trouble?" I ask. "Ja." He says. He gets out of the pasture. I walk in. I walk to her. I put her halter on her. "Did someone tell you to catch her?" I ask. "Lacey did. She said you were coming and told me to go ahead and get her for you." He says. "Well one. She doesn't like strangers. And two. Wrong halter. She can't have a rope halter. She has to have this halter because she was caught with a rope when she was younger. She has been afraid of ropes ever since. So I have to use this halter." I say. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know." He says. "It's okay. You can help me train her." I say. He nods. "She will trust you if you are around a lot when I train." I say. He nods. I hear a scream. I hop on Midnight. I lope her to the fence. She jumps over it. I ride to the barn. I stop her and tie her up. I run to the loft. "What happened." I say. I see Emma on the floor. "Oh my god!" I scream. "Here." I pick her up. I teleport to Midnight. I set her down beside Midnight. I go to the tack room and grab my bare back pad. I put it on Midnight. I untie her and make reigns with her lead rope. I grab Emma and hop on Midnight. "To the hospital girl." I say. I lope her out of the barn. She runs all the way to the hospital. I hop off and tie her up. I run inside. "What happened?" A nurse asks. "I don't know. Her boyfriend and brother will be here soon." I say. The nurse nods. She puts her in a wheel chair and takes her through the hallway somewhere. George and the others burst through the doors. "What happened to her?" I ask. "She collapsed. We were fixing to go get the horses so we can ride and she just collapsed." Nathan says. I start getting dizzy. George grabs me. "What's wrong?" He asks. "She's talking to me I think." I say. 'Shark I love you.' She says. "Shark she said that she loves u." I say. 'George. The best brother ever.' She says. "She said your the best brother." I say. I get up and walk outside. I walk to Flicka. 'Thank you Midnight and M.' She says. "Emma said thank you Midnight." I say. She throws her head up. "Thank you for doing that." George says hugging me from behind. "Your welcome." I say. I turn around in his arms. "I'm glad I could help." I say. He let's go of me. 'M. I'm awake and want to see you and George.' She says. I grab his hand and pull him inside. "Mal Damon." The doctor says. I nod. "Emma wants to see you." He says. Me and George walk with the doctor to the room. "You have to stay here." The doctor says to George. "He is her brother and she said that she wanted to see him too." I say. I walk in and pull George in leaving the doctor shocked. "Are you okay?" I ask. She nods. "Talk to me." I say. She nods. 'Thank you so much.' She says in my mind. "Your welcome. How can we do this though?" I say. 'We both are special. My family doesn't know this but I have magic too. Plz don't tell George or Andrew.' She says. "Okay." I say. She starts talking out loud. "You know. I'm fine. I heal fast." She says and winks at me. I smile. "I'm so glad you're okay." George says. The doctor walks in. "Sir. Your friends want to see you." The doctor says. George nods and walks out the door. "You are clear to go Miss." He says. "Thank you." She says. "I want you to come back in a month." He says. "Okay." She says. The doctor pulls me into the hall. "Make sure she is with you at all times. I feel that you two are special." He says. "Yes. Do you believe in magic?" I ask in a low voice. He nods. "We both have magic. This is how I knew that she wanted to see her brother too. We can mind link." I say. He nods. I walk in and help her walk to the others. I walk her outside. I help her hop on Flicka. I hop on. I don't make reigns. I tie her lead around her neck. I grab her mane. "Hold on. She's fast." I say. Emma grabs my waist. "How do I not bounce while trotting?" She asks. "Find her pace and move your hips." I say. I walk Flick at first. I start trotting her. Me and Emma are moving together. She starts loping. I let go of her mane. I put my arms out. She starts running. Next thing I know we are at the stable. I slow her down to a trot. I stop at the barn and hop off. I tie Flick up. I help Emma off of Flick. "The doctor said to keep you in my sight at all times. Want to help me with my trick riding act?" I ask. She nods. We walk to the loft. I grab my boots. I take off my English boots. I put on my western boots. I grab my camera. We walk downstairs. "What moves are you practicing?" Emma asks. "I need to perfect the move where I'm holding on the the horn and my feet touch the ground and I spring into the saddle. Don't really know what it's called." I say. She nods. I set my camera down in the arena. I grab Flicka from the hitching post. I take her to the arena. I shut the door to the arena. I walk into the family tack room. I grab my saddle pad and trick riding saddle. I take it outside. I set it on the fence. I grab my bridle. I tack up Flicka. "Oh! Emma can you get Dave?" I ask. She nods and walks to get Dave. George walks into the arena. "Not practicing with the others?" He asks. "Yeah. They have most of the tricks down perfectly. I have to work on some tricks." I say. He nods. I see Megan and Dave walk in. "Okay Dave I want in here with me. Emma you can sit on the bleachers and make sure the camera doesn't turn off. If you want to watch you can sit with her." I say turning to George. He nods. I signal Emma to turn on the camera. "Hej guys. Horse Lover here! Today I am going to be practicing trick riding. This is my new horse Flicka." I say. I hop on her. I start trotting. I sped her up to a gallop. I climb over her neck holding on to the saddle horn. I jump down and let my feet hit the ground. I spring up and land in the saddle. I put my feet in the leather straps for standing up. I stand up holding the reigns. I let go of the reigns. I move my arms around. I sit back down and take my feet out of the straps. I grab the reigns. I slow her down. I stop her in the middle of the arena. I hop off. I nod at Emma and she turns off the camera. I take off Flicks saddle and saddle pad. I put them in the tack room. I leave her bridle on. I signal Emma to turn on the camera. "Okay so now I am going to have Dave work her." I say. He looks at me. "I will be instructing you. Not only is she doing this stuff at the rodeo. She will also be barrel racing with me." I say. He nods. I walk over to the fence. I start the routine. "Left. Right. Bow." I say. He does the steps. "Finally Rear then bow." I say. He points up. She rears then bows. "See now she trusts you." I say. He nods. I whistle and she trots to me. "Can you look online and see when a rodeo is coming up? Also some English competitions?" I ask. He nods. I walk in front of the camera. "Thank y'all for watching. I hoped you liked this video. If you want to see more content like this then hit that like button down below and comment what you want to see next. See you later my pack! Byeeee." I say energetically. Emma turns off the camera. I walk over to her. "That was great!" She says. "You really know how to work with this stuff." George says. "Thank you." I say. "Well we need to get ready for the competition." Emma says. I nod. "Is Andrew riding?" I ask. "I think he wants to try." She says. I nod. I take off Flicks bridle. We walk to the loft. I see everyone. "Can you pack up the trailers boys?" I ask. They nod. George walks up the steps. "Don't do my trailer." I say. They nod. "And by that I mean you stay here." I say looking at George. He nods. "Go get ready girls while I talk to em." I say. They nod and walk downstairs. I grab my bag. I take off my boots. I take my clothes out of the bag. I grab my makeup. "What would you think of Megan and Zach?" I ask. "I think they would be cute. Why?" He says. "Megan likes em." I say. He nods. "Now then. Pack up my trailer with my two western saddles will you?" I say. He nods. He walks downstairs. I change into my other clothes. I walk to the room where me and the others keep our costumes. I grab my special purple dress and trick riding costume. I walk downstairs and put them in the trailer. I walk to the tack room and grab my grooming bag and set it down next to my bridles. I grab my halter. "Want me to put your grooming bag in there too?" George asks. I nod. I walk to the arena. I slip the halter on Flicka. I lead her to the trailer. I see the others leading their horses into their trailers. Mia, Antonio, Grace, and Lukas put their trick riding horses and barrel horses in their trailers. I walk over to my horse Whispers pasture. I see George slip the halter on her. "Say little encouraging words to her." I say. He nods. He brings her to the gate. I open the gate. He leads her out. I shut the gate behind them. He walks her to my trailer. He puts her in and shuts the trailer door. Dave hooks up the ranch truck that he drives to my trailer. "You coming tonight?" I ask. "Nope. Lacey has me on wash." He says. "I can work something out." I say and walk to Lacey's office. "Can Dave be excused from work tonight to go to the competition with us?" I ask. "Sure. He has to wash tomorrow morning though." She says. I nod. I wave bye as I'm walking out. I shut the door behind me. I run to the trailer. "You can go!" I yell. "Really?" He asks. I nod. "We need to get moving every one!" I hear Zach yell. I jump in the back seat. George jumps in beside me. Dave hops in the front.

Time skip. After the competition.
We put up our horses and climb into the bus. I fall asleep on Nathan's shoulder.
George's pov.
I look in the mirror and see Mal asleep with her head on Nathan's shoulder. I pull into the driveway. I hear Peach barking. I turn off the bus. Nathan picks up Mal while I grab her bags. I see almost everyone of the guys pick up someone. We walk inside. Nathan takes Mal to our room. I walk to his room and he walks in and sits on the bed. "When should I do it?" I ask. He shrugs. Andrew, Garret, Ryan, Zach, Ethan, and Jay walk in. "When should we pop the question?" Andrew asks. "Wait!" Nathan yells. We all look at him. "There is a rodeo coming up. Didn't they say that they are barrel racing, trick riding, and doing the dance routine?" He says. We nod. "Ask them then." He says.


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