Chapter: 22

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Chapter song: Wait by NF


The phone falls out of my hand. And for a minute, all I hear is a ringing in my ears. Everything turns to slow motion. I see Jack trying to get my attention right in front of me. He shakes me and I start to return to reality. 

"Aria. What Happened." He says sternly, worry in his voice. "My parents..." I barely can get the words out of my mouth. They come out as soft murmurs. He picks up the phone and talks to Jeff. He hangs up and pulls me into his arms. And in that moment, I break down. 

This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Please god let this be a dream. I sob into his shoulder. He picks me up and takes me in the house to his room, shutting the door behind him. He sits on the bed and holds me closely. "Shhh Baby its going to be okay. They're strong, they will make it through this." Jack says softly. 

"Jack I-I can't lose them. They we're never really involved in my life but they care, they got me help when I was at my worst. They tried to be there as much as they possibly could. Their job was just always too demanding." I cry. He rubs my back. 

"Its going to be okay. We can get on the next flight to go see them. Jeff said they're at a hospital in South Carolina. He's going to meet us there." He says. My heart jumps at the mention of anything having to do with where I'm from. 

I sniffle and try to wipe the tears away. "No, Jack you've waited long enough to see your family you need to spend time with your family. I'll be okay." I sniffle. "Aria no. Im coming with you. Im not leaving you alone through this." He pleads.

 "Jack just... Please. I have to do this alone. I'll be with my grandparents and other family members. Ill just lay low and act like I'm not there and no one will know I came back." I say, grabbing everything and stuffing it into my suitcase.

 "Aria please, don't be like this. Don't push me away." He says, sounding defeated. I order an uber quickly and finish packing my stuff. Once my uber arrives I grab his shirt and kiss him passionately. I pull away and look into his eyes. 

"Ill be okay. Stay here and be with your family. Ill call you when I land." I grab my bags and thank Kristin for having me then I get in my Uber and tell the driver to take me to the airport. I look back and see Jack standing in the driveway. 

I look down as we drive away. Once I get to the airport I book a flight to Myrtle Beach and call my grandparents. "Oh Aria we heard the news! Are you okay dear?" My nonna asks. "Im booking a flight back right now Nonna. Can you pick me up at the airport?" I ask, dodging her question. 

"Now aria your parents will pull through, you can't come back and risk running into those awful people that tormented you. Its all over the papers. "Former resident CEO and wife caught in plane crash."" Nonna tries to reason with me.

 "Nonna Im coming back. Let them try to harass me, Im strong now. Im healed and better." I hold my ground. "Oh okay dear. If you insist on coming back, we'll pick you up from the airport and take you to the hospital." Nonna says. 

"Thank you nonna, see you in a few hours." I say and hang up. Next I dial Jeff. "Jeff Im getting on a flight to Myrtle Beach in 20 minutes. I made Jack stay with his family. My grandparents are picking me up from the airport and taking me to my parents." I inform him. 

"I'll meet you down there in two days. I can't get a more immediate flight." He replies. "No need Jeff. Hold down the fort back in LA. You might have to arrange the bedstock recording to be up here. If things don't start to look any better within the next few days Im going to have to stay here a while. Im sorry if this puts you in a tight position." I say emotionlessly. "I understand Aria. 

If you think thats what will work best for you I'll make it happen." He says sympathetically. "Thanks Jeff. Ill keep you posted." I hang up and put my phone on airplane mode so no one else can contact me at the moment. For a second I swear I see Jack. I board the plane and put my headphones in, the music numbing me into a deep dark sleep.


OMGGGGGGGGG and im so anxious rn its crazy.

Stay cloudy loves

-McKenna ((July 25th, 2017))

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