A New Trend.

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In the next half term Holliday the clowns were back. On the first Monday, Anthony went to see them and noticed that two of the clowns were using black balloons. As the week progressed more and more clowns were using them. By the end of the first week they were all using them. Kids were starting to warm up to the idea and started to take them home.

Anthony was delighted that he could now prove his mother wrong and took two of the balloons home. When he showed them to her she wasn't happy.
"Clowns are supposed to be happy. Black is not a happy colour" she hissed at her husband.
"Maybe they are trying to make it a happy colour, hunny" he replied, not taking his eyes off of his news paper article. Jules threw her arms to her sides and huffed out of the room. As she left the, door in the kitchen slammed and Anthony's father began to chuckle.
"I'm putting this on snap book!" She tried back through.

"She doesn't understand does she son"he started, putting his paper down and ruffling Anthony's hair. "Everybody thought electric cars wouldn't be a great sale. But hey, everybody prefers them now."

"Really? Wait, electric cars are a new thing?" Anthony asked in confusion.
"Fairly. They were made just before I was born. We used to have petrol and diesel cars. Awful things, were killing our world. We had to creat something more economical." His father explained. "I'll take these balloons to our room whilst you go play with your tablet."

His father left the room with the two balloons whilst Anthony decided what to play on his new tablet 360 with extra HD sound and display.


That's strange. Anthony wondered.  I thought that dad said he was going to take the balloons up to my room for me? Guess he threw them away again. Anthony sighed as he flopped onto his bed bored out of his mind. He had played with everything he owned, but he still wasn't happy. In the end he picked a film and started to whatch it.

The next morning Anthony woke up and took himself to school. It seemed strange though. His parents rarely slept in, this didn't bother Anthony as he was aloud to take himself to school. But it was even weirder when they weren't at home when he got back. They were always at home when he was but, they weren't this time.

He checked the living room and dining room first, nobody was there. Then the kitchen, same results.
"Okay then, upstairs we go." He spoke to himself with a huff. He took himself up stairs and dumped his bag in his room. Nobody in the bathroom or toilet. He slowly strode to his parents bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Mom," His voice quavered "dad?"
After two minutes he opened the door cautiously. The first thing he saw was his black balloon. It was deflated on their parents bed, the string attached.
"Why would they want my balloon?" He questioned out loud.
Slowly, he stumbled to the bed to get a good look around. On the floor lay a single red pompom with a little piece of white string attached. Unaware of where it could of come from, Anthony picked it up and put it in the dustbin.

He checked the rest of the house, but no one was there so, he ran down the street to find friends house. By the time he got there tears were streaming down his face. Knowing he had to be strong he took a deep breath, knocked Swiftly three times and waited for someone to answer. The small black door opened slowly.
"Hello, Anthony." Mrs broom said with a hint of surprise in her voice.
"Hello Mrs. B" Anthony started, "have you seen my parents? They weren't in the house when I woke up and they're not home now?" He stuttered. His hands began to shake as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"No I'm afraid I haven't. Let me come have a look and sort it out for you." Anthony led her back to his house where they began to look for them. They couldn't find any sign of them, so they went to their local police station.
"Can I report two missing people please?" Mrs. B asked nervously. The receptionist told them to wait a minute and Mrs. Brown looked at Anthony who was fiddling nervously with his thumbs. His eyes were puffy and his hands shaking.
"I've never been in a police station before" she stated as she shrugged her shoulders and shivered.
"Me neither" he replied. The police officer came back and led the two into a small room with a black mirror.

"Are you sure he is ok to stay with you a while" the officer asked shocked at what he had heard "I know it's tough but we will try to find your parents as quickly as we can."
"Yes, I'm sure. Is that all?"
The officer nodded and led them back out of the room. When they reached his desk a black balloon floated at his desk with a note on it.
A gift for my dearest father.
Anthony and Mrs. Brown left the station and went home to get some clothes for Anthony before going to her house.

"Jordan, look who's coming to stay with us tonight" Mrs. Broom shouted up the stairs. She moved Anthony along to the living room before Jordan came crashing down the stairs. Swiftly he turned into the living room as his jaw dropped as wide as it would go, staring at Anthony.
"How come he's staying here, you never let me have any sleepovers on a school day?" Jordan questioned.

Mrs. Broom explained to Jordan why he had to stay and then sent him with Anthony's clothes up to the room he will be staying in. The three of them ate their tea and the two boys went upstairs to play games before bedtime arrived.

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