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Silence! Nothing made a noise. No birds, frogs, animals, cars or humans. It sounded as if the whole world had come to a standstill. Anthony sat up slightly confused by the lack of sound and walked toward the bed where Emma lay, still sleeping silently. He nudged her slightly, then a little harder. Giving up, he shoved her out of the bed.
"What the h-" she stopped as she hit the floor with a loud thud.
"There is no noise, listen."
There was only silence between them for a minute. She walked around the bed and grabbed Anthony's arm, dragging him toward the window. She drew back the curtains and they stared outside at nothing. No parents walking about, no animals foraging for food, nothing. Anthony could see other kids staring out of their windows with amazement.

The two of them ran to Emma's parent's bedroom to look for them. The only thing in the room was a black, deflated balloon with a yellow post-it note stuck to it.


Anthony was already on to it, he had the phone in his hands and unlocked it. Over his shoulder, Emma gasped with fear. It was a photo of her mother last night. The only thing was, there was a pixelated silhouette stood over her shoulder. In the same place and position as Emma was to Anthony. The phone snapped them both back to attention as it vibrated then lit up. Emma was the first to touch the phone, swiping to read the message.
"I hope the performance was up to expectations" she read aloud.
The phone hit the floor and smashed instantly upon impact on the laminate floor. They both got dressed and left the house in a hurry to find out what was going on.

Outside was cold, wet and bright. The sun was rising above the hills in the distance, just high enough to bling anyone who dare to go outside. Kids were stood outside of their houses shocked, some crying. Emma and Anthony headed toward the police station for help and answers, knowing that they wouldn't like what was going to happen next. half an hour later they arrived. Emma tried the door but it was locked,nobody inside and no cars in the parking lot. It was strange for there to be no people, cops, cars, parents or adults. But deep down they knew they had been captured or killed.

Shivering with fear, the two walked back home in an awkward silence. They were too shocked to speak and there was too much to process for one day. They got back to Emma's street when they decided to head to the school instead. The street was empty. Kids were staring blankly out of their windows in disbelief. Cars were parked in their driveways untouched, covered in snow.

"It's strange isn't it? No parents I mean," Anthony spoke, trying to break the awkward silence that hung thick between them.
"Yeah, I suppose it is" she sighed as a reply, rolling her eyes at Anthony.
He mugged himself slightly toward her, trying desperately to close the gap that now separated him from Emma.
"Anyway, how are you feeling?" Anthony asked, still in attempt of closing that gap. He realised that it was more emotional than physical.
"HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOUR PARENTS JUST DISAPPEARED OUT OF THE BLUE?!?!" she snapped in response. After realising what had just happened, she apologised deeply to Anthony. Their convosation lasted a while until Anthony asked the question that everybody wanted an answer for. "What do you think had happened to our parents. Worst case scenario?"

"At worst", Emma began, "DEAD! At best, they are locked in some sort of c-c-cage and are being kept well fed and hydrated." She stopped walking and held her arms out for a warm embrace.

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