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Silence occupied the school. It wasn't really deserted, abandoned or creepy in the slightest. That's what Anthony kept telling himself anyway. He was scared, terrified and simply wanted to go home and cry himself to sleep, only to wake up in the morning and it be a dream. This was definitely no dream though. The doors were unlocked so someone must have been in here at some point. That was when the lights went out. The sound of large feet slamming against the floor echoed around the black corridor.
The smell of blood filled their nostrils as Emma felt the wall for a door. She knew that they were near the caretaker's office but didn't know exactly where they were. Panic had caused her to simply forget.

She found the handle and gave it a twist. She reached for what felt like Anthony and dragged him in too. She felt out a torch and used it to view the room. It was only small, enough for two to fit in with little room, enough for her and Anthony, which was the thing she dragged in. She gave Anthony a second torch and they scouted the room for a light box. When they found it they turned the power back on and the signed with relief. But it wasn't over yet, now they knew that they weren't alone! They sat in the small room waiting for silence. Waiting for the sound of slapping feet to leave their ears.

Eventually Anthony picked up the courage to move on, open the door and check that the corridor was clear. He gestured to Emma to follow him which she did, creeping right down to the principles office.

Deserted wasn't a good look for the usually tidy office. Papers were scattered across the desk and floor. Emma began to pick up the papers one by one to clear a path to the desk. Anthony picked up the rest and then sat down on the desk chair. He shuffled through some of the papers until he found a post it note.

Whoever finds this note. I want the envelope under here to go straight to Emma and Anthony. These two kids are the only ones who can be trusted with the information contained within.

They both looked at each other with confusion as he read the note allowed. Emma stood up suspiciously and shuffled toward the window, her hands trebling as she reached out for the blinds. The rose up as she pulled down on the looped ring of plastic, revealing a crowed of kids throwing eggs and other food products at the school. It was mainly the older kids or the bullies of the school but what did that matter? It was still their school. People were blasting music through their speakers and others if which were not participating with the food fight against the school, were dancing around with one another. Emma dropped the blind back down and Anthony grabbed the envelope from the desk. The door started making a pounding sound which startled them both. A few moments later the banging stopped and a note came from under the door.

"We only want the envelope." Emma read aloud.
"We can't give it to them!" Anthony demanded, his voice cracking.
"I know, but no no better of dead are we?"
Anthony paused and then led Emma to the wall. He gestured for her to barricade the door with the desk and she does as instructed. With a few heaves they managed to budge the desk. Then Anthony moved to the bookshelf.
"There not that strong!" Emma whispered.
"Just help!" Anthony snapped back.
Emma pushed the bookshelf over with Anthony and revealed a door leading to who knows where. Anthony twisted the lock, then tried the door and it opened first try. He turned to Emma, a smug look plagued his face. She shook her head in embarrassment as she went through the door that lead to the back of the school.

They ran down to a nearby alleyway and then slowly made their way to Anthony's house. It was odd for Anthony being in his own house without his parents and weird for Emma too. Anthony set the envelope down on the kitchen table which was beautifully made from an old oak tree. The chairs they sat on were made from old wooden chairs with brown velvet pillows. They both stared at the envelope for while with confusion.
"Why would our head teacher trust us with this information? We already know that it's important because some other people want it too. Someone must know that he has information but it can't be that important right?" Emma started to rant loudly. After a while her voice trailed off and she resorted back to staring at the brown paper.
"I know it's confusing but he did say the we were the only ones he trusted. He never got into trouble and always helped out with odd bits that made his life easier." Anthony stopped and noticed that Emma had started to cry. He stood up and walked around the table to where she sat and took the chair beside her. He pulled in for a hug by her shoulder and began to run her back gently, in a soothing manner.
"It's going to be okay Emma. Were going to get our parents back wether they like it or not. Those kids out there are having a ball without their parents and have no consideration to where they are. We ARE going to be fine!"
"ARE WE? ARE WE REALLY ANTHINY?! THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT WANT THIS INFORMATION AND WILL PROBABLY STOP AT NOTHING TO GET IT, ANTHONY. THEY STOLE OUR PARENTS AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS 'ITS GOING TO BE OKAY'!" she screamed in anger then looked shocked at her outburst. Before she had the chance to apologise Anthony was giving her a warm embrace that slowly soothed her anger.
"Can we read the info now?" She asks cautiously. Anthony nods and grabs the brown envelope, cautiously opening it.

Dear Anthony and Emma,
In this envolope contains some vital information to what is going on. There are people in this place who want this and will stop at nothing to get it. Don't trust anyone with this information and stick together. I know what's happening and how to find the leader but I can't just tell you. Just incase you lose this and it falls into the wrong hands.

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