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"what's happening around here?" Mrs. Wood asked as a general question to the two children stood in front of her.
"I have no clue," Emma replied. Anthony shook his head then took his move in their chess game. So far Emma was beating him but he didn't mind, he knew what and where he needed to make moves to win.

After their game, which Emma won, Emma and Anthony went to their local park. Their park is usually a lovely, peaceful, green place where you can here the laughter of little kids playing in the park which was littered with primary colours. But when Emma and Anthony arrived it was noisy. Parents were shouting and camera crews were everywhere, Anthony went to turn away but Emma stopped him as she wasn't going to let a little noise get in their way. Intrigued, Emma and Anthony got closer to the mass of people to find out what's going on.

They squeezed through the mass until they could hear the reason for their shouting.
"Why are parents going missing and not kids?"
"What use could parents be?"
"Could this be a link to the new appearance of black balloons?"
"What's the police force going to do about this?"
The two kids decided that they had heard enough and tried to squeeze away before anybody recognised Anthony from the first disappearance.

As he got through the final layers a small yelp escaped his small mouth as he was dragged back in by one of the parents. The pushed him back into the center of the group and pinned him to the wall of their park toilets. Men and women from all age ranges gathered around him looking thirsty for some juicy gossip and answers.
"What's going on, boy!" An old lady demanded grasping him by the collar. She was so close to him that he could tell that she had recently eaten an after eight and could tell that she was wearing an expensive, potent perfume. Anthony tried to wriggle free but it was no use, her grip was Like a vultures grasping it's pray for her young.
"Get of him!" Emma yelled from the back of the crowed. Nobody but Anthony seemed to pay any attention to her, which only made him more scared.  His body began to shake with fear and his ears began to ring from the boom of the crowd. The was no escape now.

Suspended in the air by a large male figure Anthony stopped fighting, he let his body loosen and tried to get comfortable with his T-shirt digging in. He knew that this was going to be a long, painful interrogation.
"Why are people disappearing?" The man demanded, spit flying out of his mouth.
"I don't know," Anthony had enough he squirmed and squirmed until he slipped out of his T-shirt and slithered through the crowed. When he got to the other side another man grabbed him. Pinned to the floor without answers they started demanding yet again.
"What's happening?"
"Who is doing this?"
"Why is it happening?"
"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW! I'M ONLY A CHILD," he began to scream at them. Tears flooded across his face which was when the weight lifted from him. He looked up and saw that the man was curled up on the floor grasping whilst holding his crotch. Emma held out a hand and helped Anthony up. Then, they ran.

The streets were full of people shouting and screaming for help and answers but there were no police to stop them. It was late afternoon when they got to Emma's street, some of the people were going back inside to gather energy for another day of shouting. The sky was bright orange and the air was warm which would be perfect for sitting outside and waiting for the stars to come out but, the chaos of the people spoilt it.

The news was on in the kitchen whilst Mrs. Wood cooked their tea. She stopped cooking as soon as the breaking news started.

Breaking news:
Tonight about half of the population of Redcar are on the streets yelling for answers for the disappearances of the four people. Some people have started to return to their homes but the night has only just started. Is the small town of Redcar even safe anymore?

Mrs. Wood looked up and saw the two kids before turning the TV channel over to a more lighter programme to lift the spirits.

"Mince enchiladas." She exclaimed.
"It smell delicious Mrs. Wood."
"I looks lovely, thanks mom."

They ate their dinner unaware that it could be their last with an adult.

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