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Chapter 2

Sitting in his office, Hotch was finishing up the case reports on their latest case: young men were being kidnapped, tortured and assaulted by a man impersonating Jeffrey Dahmer.
The case ended with the sixth victim dying just before they got there. A tough case for the team, one that Hotch knew would stick with them for a while.

Just as he was finishing up, his phone rang. He set down his black pen and picked up the phone, "Aaron Hotchner."

A professional male voice greeted him from the other line, "is this Aaron Hotchner of the BAU?"

"This is. How can I help you?"

The man cleared his throat, "agent Hotchner, I am a doctor at Kindred Hospital in Indiana. We have Agent Emily Prentiss,"

After he heard that name he couldn't hear anything else the doctor was saying. They had her. Alive.

The doctor's voice cut back into his mind, "Agent? Are you there?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. We will be there as soon as we can."

"We tried to avoid a press leak, but somehow word got out. I should warn you there's a lot of press–"

Before the doctor could finish, Hotch hung up and looked outside his office at his agents. They were all working on their own reports that were due the next morning. He walked over to the door, his eyes never wandering. Standing right outside his office, he called them all into it.

Moments later they were all gathered in his office, worried glances being thrown around.

Morgan was the first to speak, "Hotch, what's goin' on?"

He sighed and looked at them.

"Emily's alive," he paused while they each had their own reactions of shock and hope, "she's in a hospital in Indiana. Get your go bags and meet at the jet in ten."

Less than two hours later they were in Kindred hospital in a private room waiting to speak to a doctor.

"What's taking so long," Morgan said, clearly angry, "we need to be with her."

"Morgan, we don't know what's going on. I think we all need to be prepared–"

A young man in a white coat walked in and Hotch stopped talking.

"Hello agents, I am Nathan Morgan," he said as he reached a hand out to shake Hotch's hand, "I have been Agent Prentiss' doctor since she arrived three days ago–"

"Three days? You mean she's been here for three days and we were just called today?" Morgan said, anger rising within him.

"Agents, she had no identification on her when she was found. We just got her DNA results back today and as soon as we found out, we called."

Morgan scoffed slightly. "You didn't recognize her? I mean her face was plastered all over the news for weeks! Hell, months!"

The doctor shook his head slightly, "She had bruising all over her face–"

"You couldn't have just asked what her name was? I mean come on–"

"Agent that's enough," Nathan snapped, "we did our best to identify her as soon as we could. She was incoherent and lashed out when we got near her."

Derek stepped back and kept quiet. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just..." he paused to compose himself, "it's been over two years."

Hotch shook his head. Enough of this nonsense. He needed answers.

"How was she found?"

"A couple found her wandering around outside their home. She was bleeding, bruised. They called police when they saw her."

JJ shut her eyes tight and Reid walked over to hug her.

"Can we see her?" Garcia asked from the corner of the room.

Nathan nodded, "yes, but please don't overwhelm her. She may be in and out of consciousness, she was given a mild sedation earlier this morning.

The team followed Nathan out into the hall and down to the right. He stopped in front of room 210.

After everyone else had entered the room, Hotch stayed, "Doctor, have they caught..." he paused to prevent himself from becoming sick, "did they find the guy who had her?"

Nathan had a sad look on his face, "I do not think so."

Hotch nodded. "I need a police officer outside her room 24/7."

"Of course. I'll talk to security now."

"Thank you." Hotch replied as he turned to go into Emily's room.

"Agent Hotchner," Nathan said suddenly, "I hope you get the bastard."

Hotch smiled slightly, then turned and entered the room. He was caught dead in his tracks. A woman he knew was Emily, but looked nothing like the Agent Prentiss he knew, lied in the white bed.

There was not a dry eye in that hospital room. Garcia, JJ and Reid had silent tears rolling down their faces while standing together. Rossi had made his way over to the side of her bed and was stroking her brown hair back, almost as if to make sure she was real. Morgan was standing at the head of the bed, hands gripping the
bar on the end, knuckles white. Hotch could see the rage coursing it's way through his body.

"Hotch, we stopped looking for her. What the hell were we doing?"

"Morgan, we did everything we could–"

"Are you kidding me? We gave up after, what? Five months?" he blinked back tears, "she's been with this bastard for two and a half years. Years Hotch."

"Look, the important thing is she's alive and here. She doesn't wake up alone, understand? Someone needs to be here 24/7." Hotch scanned the room, looking at each of his agents, "if were not here, were looking for whoever had her. When she wakes up we will try and get anything we can from her," he looked down at the frail woman on the bed, "hopefully she remembers something."

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