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Chapter 9

Ten minutes later Emily was sitting on the couch across from Eileen, tapping nervously on her leg.

"Alright Emily, we're going to begin now, is that alright?" Eileen said, tucking a piece of her curly red hair behind her ear.

Emily nodded quickly before looking at Derek for reassurance. He nodded at her.

"Can you describe him for me?"

Emily took a deep breath and closed her eyes for just a moment before reopening them, "He was about six foot three, dirty blonde hair. Probably in his late thirties."

"What stood out to you the most?"

She paused, "his eyes. I stared into them so many times..." she began to trail off.

"What about his eyes, Emily?" Eileen steered the woman back to the task at hand.

"They were so blue. Like the color of the sky on a cloudless day. They were so...big. Made him look harmless."

Eileen was moving her pencil quickly on the paper, taking in every detail as Emily described the man. She only asked questions to clarify, get more detail or steer the woman back on track.

After over two hours, the sketch was complete. Eileen put her pencil down and looked at the face on the paper. Emily had been right, he looked harmless, like he wouldn't hurt a fly.

She turned the drawing around for Emily and Derek to see, "is this the man?"

Emily took one look at the drawing then aimed her attention out the window, "that's him."

Derek inspected the drawing, in awe at how realistic the picture was. He felt his rage bubble up inside him as he finally, after over two years, had a face to think of when he punched this man in this dreams.

Eileen turned the drawing away, tucking it into her manila folder. "I'll get this to your unit chief as soon as possible so they can use it in Indiana–"

Emily suddenly felt extremely nauseous and placed her hand on her upset stomach. "I–I think I'm going to be sick," she stood up and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

Derek stood to follow her, but Eileen stopped him.

"Derek, sometimes it might be best to give her space." She said as she stood up and gathered her files and pencils.

Derek looked at the bathroom door and nodded.

"So what's next?" He asked.

"Like I said, I'll give these to agent Hotchner and they can use them in Indiana."

"Okay. Thanks for everything."

She smiled and walked towards the door, "good luck Agent. I hope you get this guy."

He smiled at her before stopping her, "can I take a picture of those? Maybe someone here saw something.."

She took out the drawing and faced it towards him, "sure."

He said goodbye to Eileen and shut the door just as Emily came out from the bathroom.

"You did good Em." He said, offering a reassuring smile.

She looked at him briefly but looked away. "I'm tired, I'm gunna go to bed."

"Okay, if you need anything–" He tried to say, but she was in her room with the door shut before he could finish, "just let me know.." he finished quietly, defeat in his voice.

Inside the bedroom Emily didn't bother changing her clothes, or brushing her teeth. Her feet led her to the bed and she automatically got in and brought the blanket over her frail body. Immediately after her head hit the pillow, the silent stream of tears began falling down her pale cheeks as memories came flooding in.

The pop of a gun, ending another life

The screaming



She let the tears continue on their trail down her face, not pausing to wipe them away or try and halt them. Emily Prentiss was not someone who showed her 'weak' side often, in fact she could count the number of times she had truly cried on one hand. This time, it was an exception. For two years she managed to hold it together, for the most part. Now, that she was free, everything came crashing into her as reality set in and she couldn't do anything to stop it.

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