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Chapter 5

Morgan and JJ were on shift for Emily at the hospital, but were standing right outside Emily's room, both of them needing some space and air. Morgan couldn't stand seeing the woman he hadn't seen in two years lying in that hospital bed. She was still receiving fluids and antibiotics, but the doctors had mentioned release papers days prior. She hadn't really talked to them much. When she was awake she was either incoherent and confused, or had a glazed look in her eyes. They tried to give her space, and they had. She's been in the hospital for eight days already, but they weren't getting anywhere in her case and needed to get something from her: how she escaped.

Hotch instructed JJ to go in alone that day and try to slowly get Emily to talk. They were desperate for a lead.

"Morgan, I don't know if I can do this," she admitted to Morgan as she looked into Emily's room, "I can't cause her more pain."

Derek placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I know, but we need something to get this guy. We don't know if he's free right now. You can do this Jayje."

JJ sniffled and nodded. She turned the doorknob and stepped into Emily's room.

"Em?" JJ said, clearing her throat, "you awake?"

JJ watched as the figure on the bed suddenly sit up and rub her eyes.

With a shaky voice she replied, "yeah."

"Hey, it's JJ," She stopped herself before she asked her how she was doing. If she knew anything, it was that Emily Prentiss would not want to be treated like a victim, nor have people ask her that question over and over again.

JJ slowly walked over to the chair on the left of her bed, not wanting to startle the brunette. She sat down and looked at her friend, taking her appearance in. She had bruises all over her face and down her neck. Her wrists and old scars that told the blonde that she had been restrained for a long period of time.

"Is there anything you need? If you need more pain meds I can–"

"JJ, I'm fine."

JJ understood her quick response and didn't push her.

"Hotch sent you, didn't he?" Emily snapped. She knew she shouldn't feel angry at the unit chief, but deep down, she did. She felt guilty about it, she really did. But she couldn't help think that he was in charge and that maybe he should've pushed harder to find her. She also knew they wouldn't have had other cases and responsibilities, but how did they never find her?

JJ looked down quickly, then back to her, "yes. We haven't found your...your abductor yet."

Emily looked out the window as she drew her legs in towards her chest. "He's dead." She said coldly.

JJ sat back in shock. She gulped before continuing, "what happened?"

"I stabbed him when he came down one day. Locked him in the cellar and ran." She said monotonous and detached.

JJ nodded, continuing with caution as she finally had Emily talking, "Okay, and what was around you when you got out?"

"A field," Emily said, her mind taking her back to that day, "no road. Just fields."

"Was there a house?"

Emily shook her head, "no."

"Just an underground cellar?" JJ asked, disappointed that there wasn't a house for them identify.

"That's what I said."

"Okay. Do you remember anything else?" JJ could sense her agitation and decided to let Emily lead the conversation.

JJ saw tears glistening in Emily's eyes, "Running...I ran for so long," Emily looked down at her feet, "I...I had no shoes. My feet hurt. I...I was bleeding."

JJ moved her hand to hold hers, but as soon as JJ touched Emily's hand, she flinched and pulled away.

JJ pulled out her phone and looked for a picture of Henry to change the subject.

"Henry has missed you," she said, turning the phone to face Emily.

"Oh! He's so big! How old is he now?"

JJ smiled at the thought of her son, "five. He's really into cars and police. Maybe we've got a little detective on our hands."

Emily smiled. She hadn't seen the boy since he was much younger. He now had thick blonde hair and blue eyes, identical to JJ, "he looks so much like you."

"You think?" She smiled, "he definitely has Will's nose and mouth."

"But look at that blonde hair and those big blue eyes. That's all you."

Both woman smiled, but Emily's faded fast. She bit her lip and turned away from JJ, confusing the blonde.

"Emily? What's wrong?" She immediately kicked herself for asking Emily that question.

"How long has it been?"

JJ sighed. "Two and a half years."

Emily scoffed. "When can I leave?"

"I think the doctors talked about releasing you soon. I can ask." JJ responded.

"Please." Emily said, and JJ picked up the hint. She stood up and walked towards the door.

She found a nurse and asked her about Emily, and was brought to a service desk. The nurse told her that Emily was being released later that night after more blood tests.

JJ dialed Hotch and listened to the ringing until Hotch picked up.


"Hotch, it's JJ. They're releasing Emily tonight."

"Okay, I'll have Morgan go to the hospital with you later tonight. She's going to have to stay with one of us and I'm assuming she'll be most comfortable with you or Derek."

"Of course."

"I'm on my way there, you can go back to the station."

"Thanks Hotch."

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