The Sketch

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Chapter 8

Only days after returning home, the team was on their way back to Indiana. They had two days of rest and were all eager to get back to investigate. Hotch knew they would never take a week off while Emily's abductor was still at large. He finally gave in and they flew back to Indiana.

"So we know Prentiss stabbed this guys before getting free. Garcia, can you look for–"

"Already done sir. There were no men matching the profile admitted to any hospital in a ten mile radius of Kindred."

"Check neighboring states? Maybe he fled?" JJ suggested.

"But Prentiss said she stabbed him in the gut. Gut injuries are always bad, how would he have made it out of state?" Rossi chimed in.

Hotch shook his head, "he must've gotten outside help from a someone else."

JJ sighed, "meaning we may have two unsubs now."

"We need to know what this guy looks like Hotch," Reid said, hesitating to continue, "I...I think Emily should talk with a sketch artist.

Hotch looked at the young profiler. He knew Reid was right, but how could he ask Emily to do that. He knew it would bring up a lot of unwanted memories for her, but it needed to be done.

"I'll call Morgan."


Derek felt his cell phone buzz from his pocket while he sat on the couch, "Morgan."

"Derek, is Emily with you?"

"She's showering, why what's up?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"We need her to talk to a sketch artist so we can ID this guy. Do you think she'll be up for it?"

Derek bit his lip and closed his eyes, "I don't know man. I can ask, but if she says no or freaks out it's not happening just yet."

"Of course. Let us know and I'll make sure a sketch artist is available."

A thought suddenly popped into Derek's head, "try and send him to my apartment. That might be easier on her than leaving and going to the BAU."

"Good idea, I'll tell him that."

"Hotch, maybe a woman?" Derek suggested hesitantly.

"Right. Yeah of course."

Both men hung up and Derek heard the shower water shut off. Her second shower of the day. Several minutes later she emerged with a towel wrapped around her head and some sweats and a tshirt on.

"Emily, uh..."

"Just say whatever you need to."

He nodded, "We need you to talk to a sketch artist and describe the...the man that took you. Can you do that?"

He looked at her with a puzzled look on his face, "are you sure? You don't have–"

"I said yes, okay? You don't have to question everything I say Derek."

He was taken by surprise by her snappiness and shut his mouth.

She looked down, clearly ashamed, "Derek, I'm sorry. I didn't mean–"

"Emily it's okay. I shouldn't question your answers, and I won't anymore. I promise."

She kept her gaze on her feet  and went back into her room. He immediately texted Hotch the go ahead.

No more then twenty minutes later he heard a knock on the door. Emily nearly jumped out of her seat on the couch at the sudden noise.

"It's okay, it's just the sketch artist."

"Right." She said, settling back into he grey couch.

He looked through the peep hole in his door and then unlocked the door when he saw the badge on the woman's belt.

"Hi, I'm Eileen. I'm here to get a drawing from," she paused to look through her papers.

"Emily Prentiss." Derek said.

"Yes, Emily Prentiss. May I come in?"

"Of course, she's sitting on the–"

He turned to direct Eileen to the living room but found it empty.

"She was just here..." He began saying but was interrupted by the shower turning on.

"It's okay, I can wait." Eileen said, offering Derek a small, gentle smile.

"I don't know what happened, she seemed completely on board–"

"Agent Morgan, I've done this with hundreds of victims," Derek flinched at the word victim that was being used to describe Emily, "and it's very hard for them. It brings back lots of unwanted memories. We will take our time, she gets to lead the meeting."

Derek nodded. He was thankful to have a sketch artist who understood and would be patient with Emily and would let Emily take control.

Derek offered her a glass of water, which she politely rejected and the two settled on the couch and waited for Emily. After twenty minutes Derek was feeling antsy that she hadn't come out of the bathroom even though the water turned off ten minutes ago. He began bouncing his right leg and balled his hands together.

"I'm gunna go check on her."

He got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom and gently knocked.

"Emily? It's Derek. Everything okay?"

Suddenly the door flew open and he saw her tear stained face standing in front of him.

"I–I can't do this Derek. Don't make me, please don't make me." She pleaded with him.

His heart broke for the woman. This man had destroyed her, she couldn't even describe him to a sketch artist.

He took a small step forward, "Emily if you don't want to we don't have to, and I'll send her home. But I also know you're the strongest person I know, and you can do this. You can help us put this bastard in jail for the rest of his life."

He waited for a few moments to let her think, he could see the struggle she was having mentally but knew she had to decide for herself.

"You'll stay with me?"

Without hesitation he responded, "of course. The whole time."

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