My School

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I hear the teachers scream in the hall way
And suddenly I remember I'm at school.
It's not 1 p.m. in the afternoon anymore,
It's 7 a.m. in the most horrid venue,
I'm paralyzed by the looks people give me,
The possible stares that I avoid noticing.
People know I've been absent,
They know they can out run me.
Can't you hear them laughing?
The teachers glare at me,
Knowing that I forgot to hand in their assignment.
No really, I didn't forget.
I just didn't attend school for so long that I realized I had not a target.
I forgot the reason I loved the study of human growth
I forgot the reason I loved my existence.
Now that I know I'm of little worth
Because I'm not a genius, a scholar or a high school athlete
or the school's greatest artist,
I'm just that ordinary kid that everyone surpasses.
Surely this is all just in my head, right?

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