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Just to bear its unobtainable grace,
I'd be condemned.
Just by touching it's intangible light,
I would have sinned.
To be able to hold it in my hand just for a day, just for a second,
I would lose my family, I would lose my friends, I would lose the world.

Freedom from the clutches of my parents,
from grasp of expectations,
from the grip of my anxiety,
and the hopes of you.

But alike butter, freedom bleeds through the gaps of fingers.
Unlike my freedom,
My love shall forever linger.

I could tarry in the perpetuity of your embrace
if the rein of darkness did not overshadow us.
But only can we outrun this race
By reversing our bitter curse.

Things I Want To ExpressNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ