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Everyday as I walk into school,
I try to keep my cool.
Forgetting I'm a fool,
I walk in and the floor is full.

One foot infront another,
I remember to keep my pace.
I'm another step closer
Till I see your face.

You used to call out to me,
Wave your arms like crazy.
But now your mouth has gone lazy
And your arms, steady.

Suddenly I'm all alone,
With this school filled with clones.
Even their skin tones
Are seen the same.
And it's all on you,
It's all on you to blame.
You've made my world colourless.
Despite that, I'm tearless.
I've cried everyday,
But not today.....
You, I will slay,
You, you will pay,
You, your corrupt body will decay.
I'm tired of your absence in your heart,
I'm tired of your games.
I'm tired of you....
I don't care if you're okay.

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