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They're infatuated with my torment.
Because of the 'love' they bring,
I'm stuck in their cement
Of words.
Words more concentrated than Clorox
I gulp down till my thorax burns
with their utterly disgusting
Manners of dispute.

Because I exist as me, as Ruth
I live with this problem,
unfruitful deeds.
The morning light as it sets over me
was never a dream I wanted fulfilled.
And yet, every morning those sheets are pulled
to rescue me from my dream-filled coma.
All you want from me is a diploma.
I stay up every night wishing the same
But instead, I grant myself insomnia.

For the greater good of mankind,
I shall be blind
And bring happiness
to your ravenous apetite.
Happy now? Not so?
Me too.

Things I Want To ExpressWhere stories live. Discover now