Ang Girlfriend Kong Amerikana

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Author's Note:

This story will be told through two point-of-views: Sarah, a 16 year old American girl who moved to the Philippines due to her father's diplomacy job (whose chapters will be in English); and Luis, a 15 year old laid-back and funny Filipino (whose chapters will be in Tagalog and English). This is my very first story so please be kind! :)

CHAPTER 1: Moving Out

"Sarah, wake up. We're here, honey," a drawling voice calls out to me, slowly dragging me away from my dream. Damn it. It was a nice one, too. "We're about to land."

I open my eyes and blink for a few moments. Here? Here where? Despite my throbbing head, I look around and see endless rows of seats all around as well as a small screen playing a lame Hollywood movie in front of me. For a moment, I'm unsure of where I am. The last thing I remember was eating a bowl of popcorn with Evan snuggling by my side as we watched a Disney movie, and honestly, the place I am in right now is anywhere but that.

"Did you have a good sleep?" My mom's voice asks. I turn to my left side and see her smiling at me, her green eyes somehow twinkling despite her rather disheveled brown hair. At her side is my Dad,  Walter, with his bald head and intense blue eyes, reading a black journal he always carries around. I'm about to ask a question when my mother suddenly points to something behind me and exlaims rather loudly, "Look, the clouds are breaking. I can finally see the sea from here!"

Then I remember. I'm in an airplane, thousands of feet above the ground and probably millions of miles away from home. With that realization, my head hurts again.

"Yeah, great, mom," I mumble, closing my eyes, not wanting to see the reality in front of me. God, I hate my life so much. "Just great."

I live in New York City. Okay, scratch that, I lived in New York City. I've grown up there for pretty much my entire existence until yesterday evening, when my dad suddenly announced we had to move out because he was reassigned in his stupid embassy job. The thought of going to another city made me angry. But when I realized the city we were moving to was actually ACROSS the freaking globe? I was crushed. 

It's definitely hard on me. I don't want to move away. I don't want to leave the life I led for 16 years. I don't want to leave my friends, my school, my teachers, and my boyfriend, Evan. 

Evan. Crap. I didn't even get a chance to tell him about this. My dad's announcement was so sudden and so urgent that he didn't even give us 24 hours to pack! What kind of dad does that? An hour after he told us his "exciting" news, we were on our way to the airport, and I was a sobbing, ugly wreck. 

"Are you still sad about the whole thing?" Diane asks me in a whisper, probably not wanting my dad to hear. I open my eyes and see her looking at me with a worried expression on her face. I'm mad at both of them, at my mom for not protesting against it, but I know she never had any control about this matter. Hard as it may, I try not to blame her too much. Even if it hurts. "Sarah, I know you're sad about this, but it's for the best. You know how your father's job is. Besides, if it goes well, we could go back to New York in a year or two."

"In a year or two," I repeat with a defeated sigh. "It may as well have been an eternity."

Suddenly, the plane moves violently and I cling to my armrests. Looking at the window, I don't see clouds or the sky or the sea anymore. I see green trees swaying with the wind and buildings standing resiliently under the scorching heat of the tropical sun.

We're here. We're finally here. I'm in the Philippines.

My life is over.


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