Bagong Araw, Bagong Buhay

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Chapter 2: New Day, New Life / Bagong Araw, Bagong Buhay

I look at myself in the mirror. Green eyes, brown hair, a heart shaped face, tall nose. Everything about me screams caucasian, a rather uncommon sight to behold in this place. The only thing that makes me similar to the people here is this uniform - a white blouse with a blue red ribbon at the top, and a plaid maroon skirt that goes below my knees. Definitely not something I'd dare wear on a sunny day (OR ANY DAY) in New York even if the gods shower me a million dollars.

"You look great, Sarah," my mother coos at me at the doorway, her hair in a tight bun and her green eyes twinkling. She smells of pancakes and syrups - my favorite breakfast. At least I still get that here. So not all hope is lost. "I'm certain you'll be the prettiest girl in class."

I give her a faint smile. "Maybe. I'm sure I'll be sweating buckets, though." I look down and touch my skirt again. "But seriously, why do they insist on this kind of uniform? It's already hot in this country, and they want to suffocate in such an attire?"

My mom shakes her head and goes back to the kitchen. I sulk for a little while, grab my big body bag, and follow her. "The sooner you accept the situation we're in now, the better you'll feel about it. Now come on and have some breakfast. I made your favorite."

I pull a chair and sit on it, getting at least two pancakes into my plate. Yeah, it seems a lot from a distance, but I had one hell of a week since arriving in this forsaken country and I think I deserve a pancake or two more. "Whatever," I mumble as I chew a forkful. "I already accepted it; doesn't mean I have to like it. Where's dad?"

"Your father left for work already. He had someone from the embassy pick him up."

I feel a bit of anger come over me. Really? He doesn't even bother seeing me to school? His only child's big day in this unfamiliar land? "Figures," I mumble angrily, stabbing the pancake, visuallizing my dad's face on it.

Stab, stab, stab.

God, I'm starting to hate him. I continue sarcastically, "I expected nothing less from the best, compassionate, ever-so-thoughtful dad in the world."

My mother watches me for a moment across the table, her eyes sad. Now I feel guilty. I'm venting my anger in her presence when I know she hates seeing me act like this. I always try to be calm, level-headed, and composed around her as much as I can, but I just couldn't help it this time. I'm just so bitter about everything. I lost my friends (I mean there's Skype, but it's not the same), my popularity, the New York air, and even my boyfriend.

I told Evan about what happened as soon as we got our internet connection set up, two days after we arrived in the Philippines. He didn't take it kindly.

"What do you mean you're not in New York anymore?" he asked incredulously, his voice rising with a tone I've never heard before. He's usually a sweet guy, but he's also the kind of person who hates surprises, or rather, hates the concept of 'uncertainty'. "I just saw you a few days ago! Wait, is this the reason why nobody's picking up the phone whenever I call you?"

"Yes," I replied bitterly. I tried to keep it from my voice, but well, I guess the feeling's too much that even I can't cover it up. "My dad got reassigned. There's some trouble here in the East with China over some territorial dispute - politics stuff - and they needed more hands." I gulped, adding with a soft voice, "I didn't want this to happen, Evan, believe me. I feel so miserable and all I want to do is go back home."

"Oh, Sarah... I'm sorry for acting up like that. It was just... surprising. I didn't expect this to happen," he said, his voice softening. I can picture his eyebrows creasing up with worry, and his blue eyes looking upwards to the ceiling. I know him so much that I can picture it in my head with ease. "When are you coming back? Are you even coming back at all?"

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