Infect Me With Your Love

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It was the second quarter of the first semester and Kyungsoo had had enough. Jongin, the little fucker, was brushing up against him and sending him suggestive winks. Kyungsoo was going to kill the other, so long as he didn't die of blushing.

Kyungsoo's never blushed this much, it's sort of hard to when there's a hot guy sitting next to you every day, wearing tight shirts that show off amazing muscles that makes the brunet want to trace over. It was so frustrating!

Jongin even whispered in his ear! He got them in trouble even. Kyungsoo had been mortified when the teacher sent them to the hall, the snickering of his classmates had not made it any better.

And Jongin, that bastard, just walked off, talking about skipping the rest of the day.

It had been an awful experience for Kyungsoo and he never wants to relive it.

So, how come he's been asked by his favorite teacher, Ms. Cecil, to tutor Jongin? Why him??? Why??

He officially hates math now. 'Wait, scratch that, sorry Ms. Cecil, I love your class,' the brunet mentally groaned, wanting to bang his head against his locker. Jongin had somehow found what his phone number was and was currently texting the brunet his address so he could tutor him.

Kyungsoo frowned at his locker, brown orbs narrowing in distaste.

"If looks were dangerous, your locker would be a big hole in the wall.." an amused voice surprised the brunet.

Kyungsoo whirled around, brown orbs widening when the subject of his thoughts showed up. 'Speak of the devil,' the shorter male sighed.

"What do you want, Jongin?" Kyungsoo refrained from snarling at the other, adopting a more calm tone.

Jongin raised an eyebrow. "Weren't you going to tutor me for an hour?"

Kyungsoo wanted to scream. He'd forgotten that he agreed to do one session today.

"You sent me your address, I'll meet you there." Kyungsoo just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Great~ can't wait for our session, Soo." Jongin smirked, sauntering off.

Kyungsoo glared at the other's retreating back. "It's Kyungsoo!" He snapped, ignoring the sudden flutter in his stomach as the tall male waved goodbye to him.

Kyungsoo was not excited for the tutoring session. Not one bit.

He grabbed his math binder and math book, stashing it in his bag. He slung it over his shoulder, slamming his locker shut.

The brunet slowly made his way to his car, wanting time to speed on by. He didn't want to go to the session.

By the time he'd gotten into his car and started the engine, his phone started buzzing in his pocket. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, before pulling it out. He glared down at it as he read what it said.

'Where are you, Soo? My house isn't that far from the school.' It read.

Kyungsoo typed a response and tossed his phone to the passenger seat.

'Had to call my mom.'

He took his time getting to Jongin's house,  parking his car in the drive way. It was a nice looking house.

He got out, locking his car before pocketing his keys, heading up to the front door.

His finger was an inch away from the doorbell when the door swung open, revealing a rather eager looking Jongin.

Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, frowning when Jongin grabbed his wrist, dragging him somewhere into the house.

He ignored the butterflies in his stomach in favor of taking in his surroundings.

The hall the two walked down was filled with pictures and tall plants. His gaze landed on a picture of a cute kid, all teeth as he smiled at the camera. A small smile made its way onto Kyungsoo's lips, letting the other drag him to presumably Jongin's room.

Jongin let go of the other's wrist, shutting the door shut once the two were in the room.

"Make yourself at home," Jongin offered, heading over to his desk to grab something.

Kyungsoo slowly walked over to the bed, perching on the edge as he watched Jongin.

"So... what do you need help with?" He inquired, opening his backpack to pull out his math book and binder.

"Mmm.... everything..." came the vague response.

Kyungsoo frowned, glaring at the other's nice back.

"That doesn't help." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fine. Go over what was on that test we took two days ago. I got an F- on it." He shrugged, sitting down on the swivel chair at his desk, facing Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo opened the math book, finding the page that talked about the squeeze theorem.

He attempted to explain it to Jongin, not noticing the amused look he received.

Unbeknownst to Kyungsoo, Jongin was an ace at math. He excelled well at most of his academics. Then why did he fail his last test? Don't believe that he doesn't understand the squeeze theorem? Good. Because, Jongin does understand the theorem. It killed him to miss the last test. He only missed it because he needed a reason to get Kyungsoo alone. In his room. So, he decided to pretend that he needed help with math and convinced Ms. Cecil that Kyungsoo'd make an excellent tutor.

Kyungsoo glanced up at the other, noticing the far off look in the other's eyes. He stood up, walking over to Jongin, leaning over to frown at the other.

"Hello? Earth to Jongin? The squeeze theorem that boring to you? I can always leave.." Kyungsoo frowned at the other.

Jongin seemed to snap out of his reverie, a sudden smirk on his lips when he noticed how close Kyungsoo was to him.

He reached a hand up to Kyungsoo, pulling on his arm so the other landed on his lap, awkwardly leaning back against Jongin's chest.

"Uh, Jongin?" Kyungsoo squeaked, a bright blush on the brunet's cheek.

"I think I'll be able to learn more efficiently with you in my lap," he murmured into the other's ear, delighting in the squeak Kyungsoo made from the other's warm breath hitting his ear out of nowhere.

"J- Jongin.." Kyungsoo was a blushing mess and he knew Jongin knew.

Jongin smirked, deciding to be bold, as he lightly nipped at Kyungsoo's ear.

Kyungsoo's eyes widened, almost comically, as an odd noise ripped from his mouth. A sound nearly akin to a moan.

"J- Jongin," Kyungsoo tried again, though it ended in another moan when Jongin bit down on his ear again.

Jongin didn't respond, his lips sliding down towards the other's neck, licking and sucking on it as Kyungsoo's mouth fell open into an 'o.'

Jongin wanted to see more of Kyungsoo's expression, so he repositioned the shocked Kyungsoo so he was straddling Jongin's lap.

A delighted smirk quirked Jongin's lips up as he caught sight of the blushing Kyungsoo.

This was going to be fun.

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