Kiss Me

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It had been a few days after Kyungsoo and Jongin had sex.

And Jongin was avoiding Kyungsoo.

He never showed up to class and when he did, he never spared Kyungsoo a look.

So that was why, today, Kyungsoo steeled his nerves and promised to himself that if he saw Jongin, he'd confront the other.

Kyungsoo couldn't hide the flutters in his stomach when he saw Jongin, standing by his locker. He was about to march up to the brunet when a pretty boy with curly brown hair walked over to Jongin before Kyungsoo could get there.

The short brunet watched Jongin and the boy hug, Jongin whispering into his ear which made the boy laugh.

Kyungsoo's heart clenched painfully in his chest as he watched the spectacle. He turned on his heel, shaking his head. Why did he even care? It's not like he loved Jongin or anything. In fact, he found the other annoying with all his... hotness.

Kyungsoo was staring at his desk as the bell rang, signaling first period was starting in five minutes.

Kyungsoo prayed with all his might that Jongin didn't show up, but as usual, God must have a death wish for him because Jongin appeared, with all his glory.

And with that pretty boy from earlier, with that kittenish smile.

Kyungsoo's heart clenched once more as he saw Jongin smiling at the boy, watching as Jongin walked into the classroom, that smile not on his lips anymore as he sauntered over to his seat next to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo willed his heart to stop beating, silently reminding himself that he doesn't like Jongin.

'I don't like Jongin. Nope, nope,' Kyungsoo thought to himself, unaware of the look Jongin gave him. One filled with hope.

Jongin was a mess of feelings. He doesn't know what he thinks of Kyungsoo. He didn't like this... warm feeling Kyungsoo gave him, so, like he normally does, he ignores it, hoping it'll go away when he does.

But it hasn't. It's been three days since they had sex and Jongin couldn't get the other's sleepy look out of his mind. Every time he closed his eyes, a sleepy Kyungsoo flashed before his eyelids, reminding the brunet how adorable the other was.

And he hates it. He doesn't like the power Kyungsoo has over him. The thought of him makes Jongin's heart thump faster. He doesn't want to admit that he has feelings for the short male. Jongin, from experience, believes these feelings will go away if he just ignores them.

How wrong he was.

Jongin was glad the school day was over, it was torture being near Kyungsoo, but then again, it was torture he inflicted on himself since he could always skip the rest of the school day, but no, Jongin wanted to be near Kyungsoo.

Another reason Jongin didn't want to be close to the other was... well, he was campus bad boy. Who wants to take that home to their parents? Much less to introduce to them as his boyfriend. Wait, no, Jongin didn't want to date Kyungsoo. Definitely not. He didn't want to take him out on dates or dance for him. Not at all. That's definitely not why he started fantasizing about taking Kyungsoo out on dates just to see his wonderful smile.


Jongin's screwed. As his friend, Jongdae, would helpfully say. He's whipped. He's got it bad.

Jongin was not prepared for when Kyungsoo showed up at his house.

It was a Friday evening and Jongin was lounging on the couch. His parents weren't home, working their tail ends off for their family of three.

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