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"so taehyung what brings you here so late at night?" jimin asked, lightly tapping on the table trying to calm his nerves. it's not everyday that you get to meet your idol in such a causal situation. he's surprised he's kept his cool for this long. he always thought he'd be a sputtering mess not even being able to utter a word, but here he is being social.

taehyung smiled softly, he thought it was cute seeing how flustered jimin was. " i couldn't sleep so i decided to come here to get my mind off a few things."

jimin looked up at the younger, he had an unreadable expression which made jimin worried. he never liked seeing people upset even if he didn't know them. which is why he always liked to have a positive attitude around others. he was lost in his thoughts when he was interrupted by the sound of taehyung's voice followed by a laugh. "and hey, please don't be nervous around me i'm just a regular person."

jimin choked on his spit.

did kim taehyung the most beautiful man alive just call himself a regular person? more like a god.

"a very attractive one" jimin muttered, quickly regretting the words that just slipped out of his mouth. he went pale as there was no way of saving himself.

"what did you just call me?" taehyung smirked, trying his best not to get flustered by the olders words and keep the cocky attitude. but in reality he was flustered as hell as he was found cute by the adorable park jimin.

jimin turned a bright red as he managed to squeak out something to say. "i-i don't know what you're talking about." he couldn't have been more embarrassed.

"you're cute when you're flustered did you know that?" taehyung chuckled, admiring the olders red face.

jimin felt like flinging himself to the sun.

he couldn't handle the mix of emotions he was feeling and that felt like a better option. he just wanted to curl up into a ball and scream. he regrets not knowing how to ever keep his mouth shut.


he was cut off by the sound of taehyung's phone ringing. taehyung threw him an apologetic smile before motioning that he had to take his call outside. jimin felt himself eaze as he had time to recover himself while taehyung was gone.

taehyung rushed outside and checked his phone to see that it was a call from yoongi. in that moment he knew that he was totally screwed. he picked up to be met with the one and only min yoongi.

"where the hell are you? you know you shouldn't be out so late by yourself. especially without telling someone. do you know how dangerous that is? just p hurry up before you get caught by anyone else." yoongi grumbled, mumbling a quick "see you soon" before hanging up. even though yoongi's tone was cold he knew he was worried. he was just good at hiding it.

yoongi was like an older brother to him. even though he may seem grumpy on the outside he was a real softie for taehyung. he cares a lot about taehyung which is he likes to keep a close eye on him to make sure he's always okay. 

taehyung sighed, he was so distracted with jimin that he lost track of time. he made his way back inside to bid jimin goodbye before having to head back to the hotel.

"hey so that was one of my friends telling me that i need to head back." taehyung frowned, playing with lace of his hoodie. him being sad was an understatement. he didn't get to know jimin like he had planned to. he's leaving tomorrow and this is probably the last time he'll see him.

that was until he remembered technology exists and he could just ask for his number. "hey can i have your number? i'd like to get to know you better." he smiled, reaching out for his back pocket for his phone. jimin quickly nodded, shakily typing his number into taehyung's phone. 

they both smiled shyly at each other as taehyung awkwardly shifted his feet back and forth. "well it was nice to meet you jimin. i'll text you later." taehyung winked, causing jimin's stomach to flip.

"it was nice to meet you too taehyung, i'll look forward to that text." jimin laughed. he still couldn't wrap his head around what just happened. he waved taehyung goodbye as he saw his tall frame slowly start to disappear. he relaxed, resting his head on his palms in delight. he couldn't wait to tell jungkook.

"park jimin your shifts over get back to work!"

he heard his boss yell as he threw his phone in his pocket and went to finish his shift. smiling like an idiot to himself.


taehyung sped through the halls, almost tripping over his legs. quietly opening his hotel room only to see min yoongi patiently sitting on his bed. yoongi raised a brow but gave in with his signature gummy smile that taehyung loved.

"so where were you?" yoongi questioned, patting the bed for taehyung to join him.

"i was at the coffee shop down the street." taehyung replied, comfortably sitting down next to yoongi. yoongi turned to him with an amused expression."so it took you an hour to get a cup of coffee? that must be some slow as service. did you get it for free for waiting? he smirked, causing taehyung to roll his eyes.

"well i did meet this boy..."


yoongi motioned his for him to continue. "common tae i don't got all night." yoongi yawned, rubbing his eyes. "and i lost track of time talking to him." taehyung blushed, smiling as he looked down at his hands.

"good enough for me. i'm gonna head to bed you could tell me more tomorrow." yoongi stretched. "night tae." he said, giving taehyung a small pat before closing the door to head back to his hotel room across the hall. "night yoongi."

taehyung let out a long yawn as he stretched his arms into the air. he rubbed his eyes, getting out of bed and changing into more comfortable clothes as he fell into a peaceful sleep.


jimin skipped happily through the house making his way to jungkook's room lightly knocking on the door. he opened it once he heard a quiet "come in" coming from the inside the room. he was meet with a sleepy jungkook who smiled at him when he saw him at the door. he was wearing some black sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt that you'll always see him wearing around the house.

jimin jumps on jungkook, sitting down on him before shaking him in excitement. "kook guess what?!?" jungkook chuckled, smiling softly at the older. "what?"

"i met the kim taehyung and he asked for my number! can you believe it??" jimin squeaked, purposely throwing his upper body backwards on the bed as he laughed. jungkook shook his head laughing along with him. he knew jimin would never lie to him so he believed him wholeheartedly.

"oh really? that's so cool chim" he smiled, reaching out for jimin to help him back up. jimin frowned, softly hitting jungkook in the chest. "yah i'm your hyung you're supposed to respect me we've been over this." jungkook pouted, messaging his chest. "i'll call you it once you start acting like one." jungkook smirked causing jimin to glare at him.

"okay okay fine only this once since you seem so happy. but i think you should go to bed you must be tired." jungkook patted his thigh. jimin yawned, nodding in agreement as he got off of him and headed for the door.

"night hyung" jungkook empathized, flashing jimin a sarcastic smile. jimin rolled his eyes but felt accomplished as he knew these moments were very rare. "night kook." he waved as closed the door walking across the hall to his room. he plopped on his bed, staring at the ceiling. he couldn't wait to see taehyung  perform tomorrow. just the thought made chills run down his spine.

oh tomorrow was going to be interesting...


i finally finished the first chapter after such a long time and i'm pretty proud of it. the rest of the boys will be introduced along the way of chapters two an three. i'll hopefully have my next chapter out soon♡

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