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here's chapter 2 as promised!!♡ light proofreading because i'm pretty tired sjsn. also happy holidays!!💞

jimin was woken up hours later by the sound of his notifications going off. he groggily rubbed his eyes as he reached out for his phone. who would be texting him at this hour? he wondered.

his face frowned in curiosity when he saw that it was from an unknown number. he opened the message up only to see that it was from taehyung.

unknown number:
hey jimin, it's taehyung from the cafe. sorry i didn't text you sooner i fell asleep :'(

jimin smiled in delight. taehyung is just too cute. he thought as he replied back not even caring that it was too soon.

hey!! it's okay don't worry :)
people gotta get their beauty sleep

damn why am i so dry? jimin rewrote his text so many times taehyung must've been wondering why he was taking so long just to text something so simple.

           you changed unknown number to tae💓

shoot i just realized what it is
sorry if i woke you~

nah it's all good i had to wake up anyway      

oh okay good
i gtg but i hope to see you soon!💞

i hope so too💕

jimin fell back on his bed beaming with happiness, softly gripping his phone. he was so excited about seeing taehyung again and the thought made him shoot right out of bed to go get ready. he danced over to his closet while singing along to save me by bangtan(which was one of his favorite songs by the way). he put on some black skinny jeans and a stripped turtleneck and grabbed his album as he ran out his door to go find jungkook.

to his surprise he found jungkook already dressed while slumped over on the couch looking basically dead. he smiled in awe as he walked over to the younger and grazed over his hair. "kook, wake up it's time to go." jungkook groaned, swatting away jimin's hand away and rolled over so his back was now facing the older.

jimin sighed in annoyance "jungkook i swear if you don't wake up this instant i'm gonna kick your ass. i don't wanna be late."

jungkook huffed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes as hard as he could. "good boy." jimin smiled softly, patting jungkook's head. "oh piss off." jungkook muttered.

"whatever let's just go. i wanna get in the arena as soon i can." jimin squealed, grabbing jungkook's hand and dragging him out the door.

~time skip to a few hours after waiting in line~

"how much longer are we gonna be in this long ass line. i don't even like bangtan." jungkook whined, hitting jimin's arm as he leaned his head on the older's shoulder.

"just a little longer kook i promise. i'll buy you the video game of your choice for coming with me." jimin sighed, he too was tired of waiting in this but he knew it would be worth it in the end if it meant he could see taehyung again.

he started to dose off when he was suddenly disturbed by a booming voice. "hey you two lovebirds! you're next!" the security yelled, motioning them both over. jimin immediately walked over to him completely ignoring the whole lovebirds comment. leaving jungkook who was a blushing mess behind him.

"thank you." they both thanked, walking into the venue only to wait in yet another line. but this time this line led to the legends themselves and jimin couldn't wait. "another line?? you've got to be kidding me." jungkook groaned, running his hand through his hair in annoyance.

"yes kook, another line. but this time it leads to me saviors." jimin giggled, twirling around his fingers in delight.

after around thirty minutes or so it was finally their turn to walk in and meet them. jimin could feel his heart pulsing and it felt like it was beating out of chest. even though he met taehyung yesterday he was still just as nervous. okay jimin, you could do this. he encouraged himself as he walked over to the first member at the table who so happened to be jin.

he was so nice and wrote the cutest note on his album. jimin couldn't believe he was even more beautiful in person. it all felt so surreal to him. next to jin was RM who was so sweet. their conversation was sadly really short as the security kept rushing everyone. he felt a blur as time went by when he met suga and jhope. suga was so calm where as jhope was so happy and giddy. jimin could see how they fit so well together.

then, came the person he was waiting to see all along. it wasn't that he didn't want to meet the other members. he was so excited to meet all of them but he felt a special type of connection with taehyung that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"hi" jimin whispered, feeling an overwhelming shy all of the sudden. "jimin?" taehyung breathed, he was completely at lost for words. he couldn't believe jimin was a fan of him. he seemed so calm and collected when talking to him yesterday.

"the one and only." jimin laughed, opening his album to taehyung's page so he could sign it. taehyung signed it with a small smirk on his face that made jimin's heart flutter. "well i'll see you later chim." taehyung winked as he whispered something to the guard that he didn't get to hear as he was being dragged away by the security.

he opened up his album while waiting outside for jungkook. he flipped through the pages and came across taehyung's.

meet me at my dressing room after the concert.
i told the guard to let you and a plus one in so you could hang out with us for a bit. i'm looking forward to getting to know you more. -taehyung♡

jimin was baffled and forget how to breathe for a second. it wasn't until jungkook smacked his arm that brought him back to his conscience.

"they were pretty cool i gotta admit." jungkook smiled, leaning over jimin's shoulder so he could see what jimin was looking at. his eyes widen in amusement as a smirk grew on his face. "so i'm your plus one right?" he teased causing jimin to hit his shoulder.

"no sorry it's my new best friend my left fist" jimin spat, lightly punching jungkook's shoulder. "hey no need to be rude." jungkook pouted, dragging jimin into the venue to find their seats.


sorry that ended on a weird note but i wanted the next chapter to target more on the concert/ hang out! see you all in january with chapter 3 snjk💕

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