The Transformation

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Peggy's Transformation

Peace. Complete and utter peace. That's what Peggy Carter felt, as she studied her surroundings for the millionth time.

Most of the people at the nursing home were old and everyone had one thing in common; they were former S.H.I.E.LD. agents.

The room in which she was kept was quaint and homely. It was meant to be comfortable and unintimidating, unlike the headquarters where everyone had spent years, doing their duties to the country. Atleast that's what they told themselves .

Another thing almost all the patients here had in common was that they all suffered from something or the other, PTSD, Alzheimer's, dementia...

They all suffered, but they never gave up. No, they were taught to fight, and never give up, right from the start.

And now Peggy was well into her old age, she realised that almost all the time she worked with Shield, she tried to work for the greater good. But her soul was always feeling the unrest and guilt.

Now, finally, in her last years, this cozy room had become her place to find solace. The homely feeling made her feel peace for a few moments before another bout of dyslexia took hold of her, and she lost her senses.

The room itself was small, with huge windows and flower-patterned curtains, a small bedstand on both sides, a comfortable bed with big fluffy pillows and clean sheets with matching pillow cases. All in all, it was small, but cozy. Meant to be comfortable.

It was almost therapeutic for her, and she liked it that way. Years of doing traumatising missions had made her almost Numb to all kinds of therapies, and all the therapists gave up at some point.

The twilight was clearly seen from her window, as she gazed out and realised that the night was near.

Nights were the worst times for dementia patients. It made them uneasy, and deranged ,and Peggy hated the sedatives that made her feel down.

Evenings were the time for her medication, and she liked the nurse, who chirped around, talking to her like a friend; perhaps the only person who talked to her these days. She never had any visitors.

Suddenly, the train of her thoughts was interrupted as she saw that a storm had abruptly started, and the lightning struck nearby her window.

Perhaps the most shocking thing was that the lightning was purple in colour.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a crash, almost like a bomb had gone off, and the lights went out.

Everything around her became dark, like it was covered in a pitch black cloak.

Peggy panicked, and tried to call someone with her pager, but she felt a weight that prevented her from moving. She felt sleepy, and drifted off into her dreams just when she realised that she was going to faint, and probably die alone.


When Peggy woke up, she felt strange. It was common, for dementia patients to feel out of place and forget things, after waking up, until they gained some semblance of normalcy, but this was not how she usually felt, and she knew that.

Something had happened;she could feel it. As she tried to use her pager, she realised a few things.

First, she felt much stronger than she had in a few years, which shocked her only a little considering the second thing that she discovered. She didn't have the drooping skin, and wrinkles that came with age;they'd just... Vanished?

Her skin was as smooth as it had been when she was in her late 20's.Further, she realised that not only her skin, even her surroundings were now of the times when she was younger. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had gone down. Either she had travelled back in time, unwillingly, or she was hallucinating.

Now that she was younger, she could move around on her own, which was not possible earlier.

The first thing she did in situations like these, was to report to SHIELD. So deciding that it would be a good idea to pay a visit to the headquarters, she got out of her now ancient bed.

Surprisingly, even her clothes were the ones that she wore in her youth, making her feel like she really had traveled back in time.

Navigating through the nursing home took a bit longer than expected, mainly because of the fact that she barely remembered being brought here, courtesy of the dementia.

Surprisingly, she remembered the exact location of the headquarters, and the fact that she had some cash which calmed her increasing panic.

As she called on a cab, she felt more and more strange about her current situation, mostly because everything else looked like it belonged to the 21st century, whereas the nursing home was a vast contradiction, looking like it was something out of the 1950's.

"so,where do you want to go, miss? ", asked the cab driver, who wore a hat, trying to hide his eyes.

Probably a petty thief, Peggy thought, because such people usually avoided eye contact with her. She didn't have much choice though, as there were no other cabs in hindsight, and she was too exhausted to walk any further.

Reciting the address, she climbed into the cab, while wondering what was actually happening around her. Why was everything else normal, whereas she, had somehow, magically, been transformed to her 26 year old self?

"You don't seem to be from around here? ", asked the driver, casually.

" no, I'm relatively new over here", she said, a bit suspiciously.

She had a gut instinct that there was something fishy. But what, exactly was it??


Stephen Strange had been many things, but patient was not one of them- he was considered a genius in his own rights, had worked long and hard, day and night for achieving the title

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Stephen Strange had been many things, but patient was not one of them- he was considered a genius in his own rights, had worked long and hard, day and night for achieving the title.

But at the end of the day, when his whole life was crumbling to ashes, the medicine - allopathy and surgery, the very things he considered as his god, worshipped it even was totally unhelpful.

Life had been pleasantly surprising when he discovered magic and mastered the time travel ways with the eye of armadillo, but he still wasn't patient, and peace was the farthest thing from his mind at the moment the son of Odin,and one of the avengers had arrived at the doorstep of his new york sanctuary for help.

Now the same Thor sat across him with a big glass of beer and looking very unhurried while he sat there having his miniscule amount of patience being tested by a man of much greater power than him;and there was nothing he could do about it.

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