The Meeting And The Debate

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Agent James was watching that nursing home for safety of all the agents there. He noticed that all the patients were suddenly uncomfortable... Hmmm, talk about suspicious behaviour!

A piercing sound filled his ear, the one which had the microphone , there was a pricking like noise which resembled to the sound after a bomb blast; static disturbances, probably.

Before he could react, all the lights went out and the monitors displayed a black screen now.

"Hello, Agent James reporting here. There is something wrong at the nursing home,there has been a  black-out and the phone is unreachable", he informed his higher officials.

As per the protocol, the Higher officials first tried to reach the nursing home, but when they couldn't establish contact, they decided to view the footages from the streets to check if there was a break-in.

Whatever they viewed in the cameras must have been shocking, because they informed Nick Fury about it. Reaching there as fast as they could, they saw that the nursing home had turned into a 50's kind of nursing home which was earlier present, completely abandoned.

The footages were true, they confirmed. The nursing home had transformed into its old form after being briefly covered in a magical purplish fog.

What a strange thing, thought James.


It was not near, It had to be some kind of dream. After many years on that bed, she could suddenly walk and, was feeling like she was 27 all over again . Oh no, it couldn't be a dream.It was too sweet, and all Peggy had after those horrifying missions were nightmares.

A part of her desperately wanted this to be true, but the other part was terrified. She was smart enough to figure out by now that only the nursing home and the people in it had been, part of this... What exactly was it? Time travel? Magic? Some messed up mission of Hydra?

She was sure that it couldn't have been Hydra. No, this was something, mystical that had done this. It was almost... Magical.

While she was constantly questioning everything inside her mind, a part of her was also noting the suspicious behaviour of the cabbie.

His hat, dark and his hands, which were holding the stearing wheel imperfectly. The hands of a fighter. Things got clearer in her mind. But she couldn't do anything. Not before confirming her doubts.

"What is your name?" she inquired, hoping to sound friendly.

"you'll know it soon enough, I get a feeling that we will meet again, very soon ", he replied looking back towards her with a smile that was almost smug.  This time, his face was visible.

The first thing she noticed about him, was his eyes. Almost crazed, unfocused ; Peggy decided not to interrogate him any further. He seemed dangerous enough, and she didn't have any weapons to speak of.

"We're here",  he said, a few moments later.

She got out of the cab and was strangely relaxed that he was just a cab driver.

She entered the building; it looked very different from the last time she had seen it. This was a huge glass tower, sophisticated and intimidating. Then again, Peggy was used to seeing intimating things, and finding friendliness in them.

"Peggy carter", she heard a voice behind her and turned around to see a guy of black complexion , black sunglasses and black suit. He was Fury, she had met him before and of course! she noticed the astonishment on his face.

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