The Chase and the confrontation

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Pictures make it more interesting,right?
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Playlist for the chapter -
1)Battle Cry -  Imagine dragons
2) Say all I need- One Republic
3) Ten feet tall- Afrojack ft Wrabel
4) Starboy -  The Weeknd ft. Daft punk


It was a planned attack. But the attackers were obviously inexperienced. No experienced sniper would make the mistake of letting the target know that they are, in fact, a target. Another bullet was going to hit her.

They had to move, and they had to do it fast. Steve carried an almost unconscious Peggy , the same person he was accusing of being an imposter, a few moments earlier, and started to run toward his car. Even though she had been hit by a bullet in her shoulder, which slowed her down considerably, she  loathed being carried like a rag-doll, whilst trying to maintain consciousness, and not getting hit again.

She knew that she couldn't help much now, and focused all her energy on trying to stay awake.

The dark was comforting, and she just wanted to sleep. It would be peaceful on the other side, she reasoned. The haze was addictive. The fog clouding her brain was getting thicker. She was tired.

But she knew that if she slipped into sleep now, she'd never be able to wake up.

And Peggy had always been a fighter. So she fought the sleep, the fog, and the haze, while the captain fought his way through the rain of bullets, and into the car that had been waiting for them.

Nick Fury, who was waiting in the car, all the while, came out on hearing the gunshots , and saw the stray bullets on the ground. Either the attacker was very far away, or the person with a sniper gun was inexperienced. Judging by the angle at which the bullet hit the ground, and it's impact, he guessed it was the latter.

As soon as Steve and Peggy reached the car,  Steve took his shield, and a gun from the car. He was ready for a fight; Captain america, in all his glory, with his shield and gun .

"Stay here, and try not to get in any more trouble ", Steve said, almost with a hint of affection.

"But then, it wouldn't be me, would it?", Peggy answered, with humor in her tone and a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Her shoulder was throbbing, and she wanted to cry out in pain, but that would do nothing to lessen it, so she stayed quiet after that . Somehow, humor always lessened her pain. Be it physical, or emotional.

And in that moment, she knew that someday, not today, definitely not today; everything will be alright. Steve will learn to let people in someday , and she will be able to die in peace with that knowledge.

Agent James was with Peggy throughout the mad dash to the hospital . She was conscious enough to see the rage and regret in his eyes. The poor agent somehow blamed himself for the attack.


Steve ran towards the attacker as Fury  continued firing bullets towards him.

The sniper saw Captain running towards him and he threw the gun away, running as fast as he could. For a moment , he thought it was a woman, but he wasn't sure , because the person was too far away .

The walls of the grounds weren't that high, so the person was easily able to jump on the other side, as Steve followed him. The chase had begun. Steve ran behind the sniper on foot, while Fury did the same with a car.

To their surprise, as soon as they turned around the corner, the person disappeared. Literally. He vanished into the thin air as if by....

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