Chapter 5 Leo

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I grabbed the navy-blue paint and stare at the empty canvas in front of me, I put the paintbrush to the canvas and blue strikes were everywhere. Before I knew it, the canvas was full of paint, I started to add small details to it but I heard a soft knock on the door. I look at the time and it was five in the morning who would be up right now? I set the paint down and walk towards the door, Willow stood in her pajamas that were sweats and a tank-top. "Hey what are you doing up so early?" I asked as she stood there, "Well I thought you would be up and I just woke up. Sorry if I woke you."

I smile and let her in she walks inside and looks around the place, "You didn't wake me I was already up." She smiled, "Well then I guess my instincts were right." She grins, "Your place is nice." She says as she walks over to the couch, "Thanks did you want something to eat or drink?" She sits down and looks at me and smiles, "Yep that's the reason I came just for your food." She tries to hold back a laugh, "I knew you were just using me."

I smile and she smiles back I walk into the kitchen and start to pull out pancake ingredients, "Wow did you make this?" I turn around to see what she was looking at it was the painting I was just working on. "Yea I was just working on it It's not finished." I said as she examined it, "This is beautiful, do you have more that I can see?"

I lead her to the guest room where I keep all my paintings at, she went straight for the one with a girl sitting in the rain. "You made this?" She asks and she touch's the painting softly, "Yea, I just do it for fun." She shakes her head as she looks back up at me, "This is so beautiful I can't even put it into words." She smiles, "Thanks, I'll make you one." She smiles even bigger, "Really? You don't have to."

I shake my head and walk over to where she stands, "But I want to." I whisper she looks up at me and her light green eyes stare into my dark green ones. My heartbeat starts to pound in my chest, I pull away and smile. "I'm going to go cook okay?" She nods and I head to the kitchen what just happened? I shake my head and start to cook as she was in the other room looking at the paintings I painted.

I never really showed anyone my work but then again, I never got close to people to show them my work. I used to make money off them I still do but I don't sell them that often. "The pancakes are done." I shout as I put the soft pancakes on some plates, "Thanks again." She smiled as she sat at the small table I had in the small dining room. She takes a bit and moans a little, "These are so good, I can't believe your this good at cooking, painting, and singing."

I smile, "Well what can I say I'm pretty awesome." She laughs, "Oh now you're going to get all cocky on me. Just when I'm starting to like your food." She shakes her head and smiles as she takes another bit of her pancake, "I promise I will not get to cocky, and you only like me for my food?" I joke as I take a bit of my pancake, "You know it's not just because of your food you're a great friend. Thank you for being there for me." I shrug, "It's not really a big deal thanks for being my friend to."


"Thank you again we should do this more often tomorrow come over and I'll cook for you to." I say as I walk towards my door, "Okay sounds good bye." I turn around to look at Leo his hair was a mess from not combing it, he wore some shorts and a tank-top. "Bye Leo." I said as I shut the door I don't know why I went over there. I just really wanted to see him for some reason, I don't even know why I woke up that early. I walk over to the bathroom and take a shower, and put on a white skirt and a light pink crop top and some sandals.

I walked into the shop and I was there earlier than Shelly I start to clean up the place. And by the time I finished Shelly was walking in, "Good morning!" She called out as she put her stuff in the back, "Good morning." I said as I was putting on my apron, I know that soon customers will be coming soon I started to get the usually customers food ready. "Ready for today?" I ask as she comes around the counter.

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