Chapter 13 Leo

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The weeks were going by fast, we were always in and out of gigs the big gig went good. We got notice by a big company who wants to sponsor us and take us to another level. Which is exciting, Willow and I have been getting along great like always. The guys like her and Emily does to, I'm happy that she is liking the tour and I'm happy she came with me.

"Leo." Willow calls my name as I climb back onto the bus, "Yea." I shout as I sit down on the couch, she comes walking out of the bedroom area and gives me a big smile. "What?" I ask, "So I was just doing my thing like usual, when Shelly called me and told me that some famous bakery person came over to the bakery. And he said he was going to put my bakery in the newspaper." She jumps up and down and runs into my arms.

"That's great Willow I'm so proud of you." I let her go and she sits on the couch next to me, "Me! I'm proud of you you're going to be a hit." She smiles at me and I grin, "And you're going to be known as the best bakery in the city." She laughs and it was like music to my ears. "I can't believe that the tour is almost over." I nod my head, "Yea this is are last week." She looks out the window and then back at me, "I'm glad I came because we grew closer."

I smiled at her, "I'm glad you did to. Now I'm your best friend Fish." She laughs, "I need a nickname for you to." She stares at me for a long time, "It'll come to me." I laugh, "Sure it will." She slaps my shoulder playfully, "It will now where's everybody else?" I look around realizing that none of the band mates were here. "I have no clue." I say she walks over to the other window and peers out of it.

"Ashton is talking with a guy, Cody is with him to and I don't know where Emily is." She says and walks back over to where I was sitting, "Let's do something." She says and stands there with her hands on her hips, "Let's go celebrate." She squeals and grabs my arm, "Fine." I say and stand up, "But you owe me." I tell her and she glares, "I owe you nothing." I smile and she smiles back at me.

"This is the best drink I ever drank." Willow slurs and smiles at me, "Willow it's a glass of water." She looks down at her water and giggles, "Well I'm going to drink this every day FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!" She shouts and some people look are way I pull on her arm trying to get her outside. "Where are we going?" She asked and started to hiccup, "Somewhere were you won't yell." I say she was drunk and I've never seen a drunk Willow before.

I sit her down on the side of the building and she lays against the brick wall, "I'm rea-ally so-rry." She hiccups as she talks I sit down next to her and she puts her head on my shoulder, "Don't worry about it we are having fun." She sighs, "I'm tir-ed." I pick her up and she goes slack against my arms, "C-an yo-u car-ry me." I pick her up, "Yea." She puts her head on my chest and I carry her back to the bus and lay her down on my bed. "Night Willow."


I wake up with a pounding head ache, why was I on Leo's bunk? And what happened last night? I smelled food cooking and I get up, "Willow you up?" Leo calls out and I stumble into the small kitchen, "What happened last night?" I ask and grab the bottle of Tylenol and a glass of water, "You just got super drunk." I drink the whole glass of water and Leo starts to laugh, "What?" I ask staring at him in confusion, "Last night you shouted to the world that you would drink that forever."

My eyes get big, "I shouted it?" He nods his head a smile still on his face, "To everyone." I shake my head, "Of course I did at least it wasn't that bad." He nods and hands me a plate of food, "Thanks again." I yawn and he smiles, "Why do you keep smiling at me?" I ask I didn't mind him smiling so much but every time he looked at me he smiled. I thought I had something on my face, "I'm just in a happy mood today."

I nod I knew today I was going to be grumpy but I'm going to try to be nice but this head ache is a killer. "I'll try to be nice today." I tell him and he sits next to me, "So you get drunk and then mean the next day?" He asks I nod, "Yea pretty much but since you're my "best friend" you're going to have to deal with it." I smile and take a bit of my food, he shakes his head, "I'll deal with it since you deal with me."

The rest of the day was like usual we went to gigs which I didn't mind. I liked watching Leo sing, I liked traveling around to. But it does tire you out, I was already missing my bed back home. I knew everyone was tired and ready to get back, "I'm tuckered out today." Emily said and plopped down next to me on the stool's we sat on. "Me to." She made a big sigh, "Oh how I miss my apartment and bed my dear old bed." I laugh, "You and your bed you're always talking about it."

She smirks, "If you slept on my bed then you would understand why I talk about it so much." I nod she was probably right, "Then we should have a sleepover party." She stars at me for a while wondering if I was serious, she busted out laughing. "You're to funny Willow." She laughs and tries to catch her breath, I smile. "Well I do try." She smiled and ordered a drink of water, "That's the first time during this whole tour you haven't ordered a drink."

She turns her attention back to me and stopped staring at the bar tender, "I'm enjoying myself before I have to go back to college." She huffed out, she did really look worn out I felt bad that she was this exhausted. "Are you having fun?" I ask hoping she has been, "Of course I'm really glad Leo met you, you're a good friend and fun to be with." I smile at her, "I'm glad I met him to and I'm glad that I met you guys." I said and she smiled and looked back at the bar tender waiting for her drink.

"How long does it take to give someone water?" She groans out and glares at the back of the bar tenders head, "Apparently awhile, maybe they have to clean it." I say jokingly and she looks at me her eyes big, "Your joking, right?" I looked at her confused did she really believe that, "Yes I'm joking." She smiled at me and started to laugh, "I was joking to. I'm trying to practice my acting skills, was I good?" I smile and shake my head, "Yes very you had me believing that you were serious." She smiles a proud smile and turns her attention back to the bar tenders head.

"I'm seriously getting annoyed now." She grumbles, "Hey.... yes, you where's my drink?" She shouts to the bar tender he looks at her and gives her a thumb's up. I laugh, "He just gave you the thumbs up." I laugh so hard I couldn't breathe she started to laugh with me to, "I don't even understand bar tender language." I try to catch my breath, "Me either" I say and he finally comes over and delivers her drink and apologizes. This Emily, Ahston, Cody, and Leo they all felt like family at the end of the day we were one.

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