A Contest of Galactic Proportions

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Oorah, 'troopers! It's that time again or at least, it's that point in the issue. That's right. It's contest time.

Now, as this issue is entirely dedicated to the rich and wondrous sub-genre of Space Opera, we thought, "Hey, Star Wars is Space Opera!"

We didn't only just think of that, of course. We knew it long before now... 

Anyway, we appear to be getting off track so let's get to the good bit. The contest.

Using no more than 2000 characters - that's the character limit for comment boxes here on Wattpad - you are to take on the guise of either a young Jedi or Sith whilst preparing for battle with your enemy. Whether you opt for the Dark Side or not your mission is exactly the same.

Post your entry into a comment box below and our favourite will be reviewed and Featured in next month's issue!

Best of luck, 'troopers, and may the Force be with you..!

Tevun-Krus #4 - Space OperaWhere stories live. Discover now