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Written by @sigrist



If I had to use two words to describe her, they would be beautiful and dangerous--just like the universe she taught me so much about. My life with her was perfect--but everything comes to an end eventually.

"I need to do this." Was all I managed to say.

"I know you do." She smiled and I hugged her. "But don't worry; I'll have you by my side forever." I cried silently into her glimmering hair and as her body grew tight and stiff she whispered, "jump."



From the cockpit of my old Salvage-Class X7C, I looked out at the ship which had simply popped into existence right in front of us. It looked like an oblong, white void in the blackness of space.

"You sure about this?"

"Munce, you said yourself there's no life signs, what danger could there be? Besides, this could make us famous!" I continued to watch the mysterious ship as I climbed into my exo-suit.

"And what about Earth?"

"Let them wait." I waved off the question. "We're just junkies, what can we do to help? I'm just gonna check this out and when I'm done we'll swing by home base and salvage what we can."

Munce rolled his eyes and went back to the controls. We circled the gleaming ship before he said, "I don't see a loading dock anywh--oh shit!"

I turned around and saw what had shocked him. A hole was opening up on the side of the otherwise smooth ship. "Look like we'll fit?" I asked.




There was a strange pressure all around us. As she slipped away from me I noticed the interference on my radio was gone. "Munce? You there?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the strange woman.

"He can't hear you." Her voice sounded like it was reverberating throughout the entire ship.

"What do you mean?"

"We're too far away."

"What?" I unclipped the galactic positioning system from my belt. "Where are we? I'm not even picking up a signal."

"Far beyond the reach of your technology."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Bring me back! My crew need me!"

"Your crew are fine."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because I know. Just like I know they don't need you like I do."



"The air's okay." I checked my purifier and removed my helmet. "Sure is dark though." The interior of the ship was just as white and glittering as the exterior.

"Anything that might be worth some coin?"

"You mean you don't already see dollar signs just looking at this baby? This is proof that we're not alone!"

"We still don't know that, looks kinda Japanese to me."

I turned a corner and the walls all instantly illuminated. There was nothing but bright, white light all around me.

Tevun-Krus #4 - Space OperaWhere stories live. Discover now