I'd Give It All Up Just To Be In Your Presence

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Btw, Y/N means your name. Insert your name anywhere you see that ^^

Sidon misses you while at a meeting...

You woke up with the bright sun shining through the window and glimmering off of the walls of the Domain. You yawn and pat the empty spot in your bed to notice, Sidon is not with you. He explained that he had 'Princely matters' to attend to in the morning. That meant meetings with the council and observing his father, for he would some day be king and he wanted to do it right.

You got out of bed and slowly walked to your blue dresser. You decided to wear your zora tunic that Sidon had specially made for you. It was white and dotted with jewels of your favorite color. It was made of the softest fabric so it was very comfortable but also good for swimming. Since you didn't want to bother Sidon while he was busy, you decided that you'd walk around the Domain. Cleff, the shopkeeper, needed some help getting a restock of arrows and chillfin trouts. So you went on your way to help him with that.

~Sidon's POV~

"...and so, I do believe that we should further our trading routes to Rito Village," Sidon pointed to the Domain and slid his index finger along the path to Rito village "Since they have recourses that can prove useful to making new weapons, and we also have metals that can help them as well." Muzu's eyes squinted. He put his hands behind his back and hummed. "My Prince, you are very good at explaining your reasonings... but you must remember to include the possibility to danger along our new trading routes." Sidon simply nodded.

Sidon was practicing explaining new expansions to trade and was also given another speech on how to act like the future king of Zora's Domain. Although Sidon was paying attention, there was still the thoughts of you. The thoughts of being beside you. He let out a small sigh. He was desperately wishing he was out of this meeting and by your side. King Dorephan interrupted his thoughts, "My son, would you please excuse Muzu and I for a moment?" Sidon gave a simple nod and walked out.

Sidon really wanted to run out and find you but him being a prince causes him to have to be polite. But once he was out of sight of the two older zoras, he sprinted towards your room. He opened the door, he couldn't wait another minute. "Y/N!!! I'm back!! Now we can-" He noticed you weren't in the room. He thought for a moment. "Oh! Cleff's shop!" He closed the door and once again ran to the place he thought you'd be. Once he got there he was immediately overjoyed to see you, placing the last trout into its place. You didn't have much time to react since he picked you up and swung you around like you would a child. "Oh Y/N! I'm so happy to see you!!" You laughed "Sidon!" You giggled in between your words "It hasn't been all that long" you have him a kiss on his cheek.

"I know, it just feels like eternity when your standing in a meeting." He put you on his shoulders. "Bye Cleff!" You waved back at the blue zora. "Bye Y/N! And thank you once again!"

Sidon walked over to the beautiful statue of his sister and placed you down. You sat cross legged on the ground in front of Mipha's statue and Sidon sat beside you. You leaned on him and gave a sigh "I missed you too." Sidon chuckled and picked you out to place you on his lap. "I do wish I could spend more time with you my little minnow.." He leaned down and kissed your head.

"Aw.." You blushed a little "I know but, my big fishy wishy has to do his 'chores' " You teasingly put your hands on his cheeks and he giggled. "They're not 'chores' dear. I just have to practice for the future. But in all seriousness, if I had to give up doing all of that, being a prince, just to be with you, I'd do it."

You sat up on his lap and turned to face him. You could tell he was serious for the look he gave you was stern, a little sad too. You knew he didn't get to see your very often due to his duties as a prince and it hurt him. You could not deny that the time you get to spend with him isn't as much as you'd like too but he said that he'd give up being a prince for you if he could..

You lay your head on his chest, listening to the strong heartbeat. "Sidon... Although the time we get is little, you wouldn't have to give up anything. I enjoy being with you even if I don't see you much." You looked up at him to see Sidon's eyes closed and a frown replacing the usual smile that he had. The sight made your throat clench and sting, as if you were going to cry. You put your hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. Sidon smiled and pulled you closer.

Once the kiss broke Sidon sighed. "Your right, the time we have is precious." He have you a genuine smile " Since we have little time, how about we go for a quick swim? Just you and me." Your face lightened, and you got up to pull his hands up. "I would love that!" Sidon chuckled and placed you on his shoulders. While you lay on his head, Sidon headed for the lake.


Sorry if it's not all that good. I'm kinda new m(._.)m  If I misspell something please tell meh lol

     I will make the next scenario soon!
Bye-Bye! ☆〜(ゝ。

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