Changing Fate

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The world had changed since Magneto lost his power, a lot. In a way he’d been right about the humans turning on mutants but he also helped fuel their distrust and hatred. Once the whole ‘mutant war’ ended the government held a conference that resulted in the humans declaring war on mutants, not long after that Charles Xavier turned up alive although he explained he had to transfer his mind to someone else’s body.

            Now he was back at the school waiting for one of the newer students to show up, not many recently discovered mutants made it to the school because of the humans but this one did, he’d invited her to see him in his office because of her unique abilities. With her help he was sure they could stop the war peacefully although no one else new of his plans yet. The girl appeared in the doorway, she was pale with long wavy dark brown hair and golden-yellow eyes. She glanced around nervously before taking a seat in front of his desk.

            “Marae, do you know why I asked you to come here?”

            “No, I didn’t do anything wrong have I?” She questioned as panic started to disrupt her normally emotionless features.

            “Of course not. But as you know this war has killed many good mutants including my close friends.”

            “Yeah, a lot of them are trying to go into hiding. But what do you want me to do? I can’t stop a war.”

            “You can if you use your time manipulation to go to the past and stop Magneto from killing Sebastian Shaw.” He told her. “To do that though you’ll have to go back to when I’m recruiting mutants so they can help us.”

            “Won’t your past self read my mind and figure out what I’m doing?”

            “That’s why I have to erase all your memories so you only know the most basic things, your mission, although you’ll just feel like you should stop him you wont actually know why, and a false back story of where you grew up.”

            “Will I ever get my original memories back?”

            “If you succeed then yes you should.”

            “And if I fail?”

            “It will mean all of us mutants die.”

            Marae looked at him as if he were crazy but didn’t say anything else, curious, Charles went into her mind.

            I can’t do this… I barely know how to control my powers! I’ll get everyone killed!

            He sighed before using his own powers to calm her down. You won’t fail Marae; my younger self will help train you. Just trust in your abilities.

             “Get out of my mind!” She snapped before remembering who she was talking to and looked at the ground.

            “Sorry, I needed to know what you were thinking. Are you ready to go back to 1962?” He asked. “It’s best if you go as soon as possible, remember don’t look for me because I’ll find you.”

            “But I don’t know how to use my powers completely…” Marae stuttered.

            “I can help guide you right before your memories disappear.”

            She nodded in agreement and felt the professor go into her mind again, she concentrated on going back in time to 1962 while Charles gave her memories of what it looked like to help her. She felt like she was going down a big slope on a roller coaster before opening her eyes. She couldn’t remember how she got here but she remembered that her name was Marae, she was eighteen, she was a mutant with time manipulation powers, and she was here to wait for someone in the alley. She didn’t have to wait long ether; two men walked across the street and entered the shadowy alley.

            “You’re Marae right?” The younger one asked in an English accent.

            “Yeah, who are you?

            “I’m Charles Xavier and this is my friend Erik Lensherr. We came to find you because of your abilities.”

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She lied. 

            Oh, but I think you do. You aren’t the only one with special gifts.

            “…I’ll come with you.”

            “Good choice.” Erik said.

I just love this scene in X-men First Class.

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