Chapter 3

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Later that week Charles, Erik, and the government lady they had learned was named Moira MacTaggert left to talk with the CIA about something. Marae sat on the couch and listened to the others talk while Darwin and Alex played pinball, she had a bad feeling about tonight but she didn’t tell anyone since she got those feelings a lot but nothing ever happened. Two of the CIA guards walked by the repaired window and paused.

            “Hey why don’t you show us those wings?” One shouted, the other laughed and joined in.

            “Yeah come on, we want to see your powers freaks.”

            Hank glared at them and closed the curtains so they couldn’t see us before sitting back down beside Raven, Marae had noticed they sat by each other a lot, at first she thought they were related but then she noticed they acted more like they were boyfriend and girlfriend. A loud scream cut her out of her thoughts and they all turned towards the window with the curtain in front of it, they could hear things hitting the ground with a thud and Hank cautiously opened the curtain. They saw a man with a tail holding a government official by the throat appear in the air high above the ground, the tailed guy dropped him and the official fell to the ground outside the window with a sickening thud. When they looked back up the other guy was gone.

            “What was that?” Raven asked in shock.

            “We’re under attack that’s what it was!” Angel shouted.

            A whirlwind appeared outside the other window and destroyed Cerebro before another man appeared and started walking towards their room. The guy with the tail appeared and started to kill the guards with his tail and blades until they all stopped moving.

            “The mutants are right through that door please just let us normal people go we are no thr-” Another guards voice cut off.

            A man with some weird helmet on walked through the door. “Where’s the telepath?”

            “He’s not here.” The red guy answered.

            “Well at least I can take this ridiculous thing off.” He took off the helmet and shook his head a little to fix his hair. “I’m Sebastian Shaw, that’s Azazel and Riptide.”

            “What do you want?” Marae snapped, there was glass from the windows scattered across the floor and no one was left to help them.

            “To offer you a deal. Mutants will never be accepted by humans so why work with them?” He asked. “If you come with me I promise all of the humans who see you as freaks will die… so who’s with me?”

            They all looked at Shaw in shock as he held out his hand invitingly and Angel slowly stepped forward. She stood beside Azazel, the red guy with the tail, and waited with them. When no one else stepped forward Shaw walked back.

            “Wait, I’m coming with you!” Darwin said after he stopped having a pushing fight with Alex.

            “And what is your mutation?”

            “I adapt to survive, so I guess that means I’m coming with you.”

            Alex led the others to the other side of the window, when Darwin got over to Angel he made rock armor appear and yelled ‘now’.

            “Get down!” Alex shouted as blades of energy appeared around him.

            He shot them at Shaw but instead of being killed or at least hurt; Shaw absorbed the energy. They stared at him in shock as he smirked and grabbed Darwin.

            “Let’s see you adapt to this.” He sneered before forcing Darwin to swallow the ball of energy.

            They all stood in shock as Darwin kept changing from metal to rock, the whole time a glowing red ball of energy shined through his skin; finally he glanced at them sadly before turning into a bright flash of light, there wasn’t even a body. Shaw’s gang stood together and Marae noticed Angel didn’t make contact with any of them before Azazel teleported. She watched the others slowly sit back down but Alex just stood there staring out the window where Darwin had been minutes before.

            “You didn’t know.” She soothed as she walked up beside him.

            “Why didn’t you stop time? You saw what he was going to do…” Alex croaked.

            “I was in shock, it all happened so fast.”

            “Take us back in time… change it… I just killed him…”

            “That was Shaw not you, you aren’t a murderer.” She glared at him, daring him to correct her. The others looked up in surprise at the usually silent girl. “I wish I could go back to save him but you know how risky that is especially when I can’t totally control it.”

            The next five hours were spent in complete silence, they all sat on the couches like statues, and they never blinked, just stared off into space lost in their own thoughts. When Charles and Erik got back with Moira they saw everything destroyed and all of the bodies lying around outside. Charles finally got them to talk and after they explained what happened Erik left with his fists clenched and a scowl crossing his face, like he wanted to find and murder Shaw right then no matter how late it was or how impossible it would be. 

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